The Manifested a Business PAID IN FULL by a STRANGER!

The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard

Manifestation Story

Listen to these manifestation stories taken from the chapter Case Studies in The Power of Awareness book by Neville Goddard. You can buy this book as part of a whole collection of his books on Amazon here:

This is a striking story of an extremely successful business man demonstrating the power of imagination and the law of assumption. I know this family intimately and all the details were told to me by the son described herein.

The story begins when he was twenty years old. He was next to the oldest in a large family of nine brothers and one sister. The father was one of the partners in a small merchandising business. In his eighteenth year the brother referred to in this story left the country in which they lived and traveled two thousand miles to enter college and complete his education. Shortly after his first year in college he was called home because of a tragic event in connection with his father's business. Through the machinations of his associates, the father was not only forced out of his business, but was the object of false accusations impugning his character and integrity. At the same time he was deprived of his rightful share in the equity of the business. The result was he found himself largely discredited and almost penniless. It was under these circumstances that the son was called home from college.

He returned, his heart filled with one great resolution. He was determined that he would become outstandingly successful in business. The first thing he and his father did was to use the little money they had to start their own business. They rented a small store on a side street not far from the arge business of which the father had been one of the principal owners.

There they started a business bent upon real service to the community. I was shortly after that the son with instinctive awareness that it was bound to work, deliberately used imagination to attain an almost fantastic objective.

Every day on the way to and from work he passed the building of his father's former business the biggest business of its kind in the country. It was one of the largest buildings with the most prominent location in the heart of the city. On the outside of the building was a huge sign on which the name of the firm was painted in large bold letters. Day after day as he passed by a great dream took shape in the son's mind. He thought of how wonderful it would be if it was his family that had this great building— his family that owned and operated this great business.

One day as he stood gazing at the building, in his imagination he saw a completely different name on the huge sign across the entrance. Now the large letters spelled out his family name (in these case histories actual names are not used. For the sake of clarity in this story we will use hypothetical names and assume that the son's family name was Lordard) where the sign read F. N. Moth & Co., in imagination he actually saw the name letter by let-ter, J. N. Lordard & Sons. He remained looking at the sign with his eyes wide open imagining that it read J. N. Lordard & Sons. Twice a day, week after week, month after month for two years he saw his family name over the front of that building. He was convinced that if he felt strongly enough that a thing was true it was bound to be the case, and by seeing in imagination his family name on the sign, which implied that they owned the business, he became convinced that one day they would own it.

During this period he told only one person what he was doing. He confided in his mother who with loving concern tried to discourage him in order to protect him from hat might be a great disappointment. Despite this he persisted day after day. Two years later the large company failed and the coveted building was up for sale. On the day of the sale he seemed no nearer ownership than he had been two years before when he began to apply the law of assumption. During this period they had worked hard, and their customers had implicit confidence in them.

However, they had not earned anything like the amount of money required for the purchase of the property. Nor did they have any source from which they could borrow the necessary capital. Making even more remote their chance of getting it was the fact that this was regarded as the most desirable property in the city and a number of wealthy business people were prepared to buy it.

On the actual day of the sale, to their complete surprise, a man, almost a total stranger, came into their shop and offered to buy the property for them. (Due to some unusual conditions involved in this transaction the son's family could not even make a bid for the property.) They thought the man was joking. However, this was not the case. The man explained that he had watched them for some time, admired their ability, believed in their integrity and that supplying the capital for them to go into business on a large scale was an extremely sound investment for him.

That very day the property was theirs. What the son had persisted in seeing in his imagination was now a reality. The hunch of the stranger was more than justified. Today this family owns not only the particular business referred to but owns many of the largest industries in the country in which they live.

The son, seeing his family name over the entrance of this great building, long before it was actually there, was using exactly the technique that produces results. By assuming the feeling that he already had what he desired— by making this a vivid reality in his imagination-by determined persistence, regardless of appearance or circumstance, be inevitably caused his dream to become a reality.

These are just one example of how we can use our imagination to create whatever we want in our lives. This story is taken from the book "The Power of Awareness" by Neville Goddard, in the chapter called Case Studies. I would recommend getting this entire collection of Neville Goddard books here.

I love reading these stories and any case studies on how people manifest things. If you would like to share with me any of your own stories of manifestation and how you have brought things into being, just fill out this google form so we can share your story to encourage others on their manifestation journey.

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💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images -

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal

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Journal your way to increasing income! Use the check writing technique to rewrite your money story. Available on Amazon!


This is Evidence of My Abundance - Money Manifestation Journal

This Money Manifestation Journal is available on Amazon. It includes beautiful images and lined pages to script and journal your manifestation intentions and success stories. Start scripting out the life you really want to live. The images have positive money quotes to prompt you in your manifestation journaling. I love to write and journal manifestations into being!

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