How Do I Manifest Money?

There are so many different ways to manifest money. From listening to money affirmations and subliminals, to writing and scripting money into your life, to meditating or relaxing into a quiet state and feeling the abundance of money. One manifestor recounts a story to Abraham Hicks on how she manifested $20,000 quickly and easily.

She told the story about how one day she lightheartedly said "I'd like to receive $20,000. Wouldn't that be fun?". She was very upbeat and lighthearted with her money manifestation request.

Then a few weeks later, she got a letter in the mail. The letter was from a company she had worked for 20 years earlier, and it said she had a pension fund with the company and asking her if she would she like to cash it out with a lump sum payment? She had no idea that she had a pension fund with this company, or that money was sitting in an account for her. The letter went on to say that if she was over 59 1/2 years old, she would be able to withdraw the money without incurring any penalties. Since the account was a type of retirement account, if you withdraw the money sooner than that, you incur a penalty fee. Well, she had just turned 59 1/2 a few days prior! What are the chances of that? So their would be no penalty for her to take out a lump sum payment. She had NO IDEA that she even had this account from an old job. It was money that was just waiting to find her!

So she filled out the paperwork

and received the lump sum payment check for $22,000!

She said that the most interesting thing about the manifestation was how EASY it was. That she was really just sitting out on her back patio at her country home and with a very lighthearted attitude. She just said "Wouldn't it be nice to get $20,000! That would be fun!"

And that was it. Just a thought that she expressed. And those those turned into a money manifestation success story for her.

Cooperating components came together with law of attraction and her asking was met with something out there in the world that matched her desire. More than $20,000 sitting in an account, waiting to be given directly to her.

Abraham's response was that she also had to be in the right attitude to receive the money, as some people might not even open a piece of mail like that. Others may even consider it to be "junk mail" and throw it away. Others would simply never fill out the paperwork. So there are opportunities all around us to receive money IF we are in a "receiving mode".

How Do You Manifest Money?

Do you believe that money can just come to you "Out of the Blue"? If you don't have an attitude that it could happen to you, then you will not be in the receiving mode and it won't happen to you. Being in the receiving mode means that you are being in the vibe of thoughts / emotions / assumptions / beliefs that are in the same essence of the thing you are wanting to receive. In this example, she was in the essence of asking for and receiving $20,000. She was open to manifesting money. She was lighthearted about it. She wasn't stressed about the money. She wasn't in a state of need or desperation for the money.

If your thoughts and emotions are in a state of desperation for money, you are in the vibration of LACK. And if you have your TV channel turned to the station of LACK, or the absence of money, then that's all you can see and hear. That's the channel you are on. You must BE on the channel, on the frequency of joyfully receiving $20,000 in order to get $20,000. If you think that it is completely impossible the manifest abundance, then for you, it will be impossible. If you have an expectation that money comes to you quickly and easily, then money will come to you quickly and easily.

I like to read and hear other people's manifesting success stories, because if it can happen to other people, then it can happen to me too! It gives me confidence that it IS POSSIBLE and IT DOES HAPPEN! Just start reading and listening to manifestation success stories, and just tell yourself "That can happen to me too!"

One couple manifested an entire apartment complex without spending ANY of their own money.

If you would like a beautiful journal to write your money manifestation stories in, check out my money manifestation journal on Amazon.

💰This is the Video Vision Board Tool that I use to manifest with pictures, video, and sound! I love it!

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images -

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal

Learn how to use this cool video vision board to upload images of things YOU want to manifest in your life. The images will be integrated into premade video templates with positive affirmations and images that create feelings of harmony, joy, and accomplishment. I have manifested so many things by using this tool. I love it and highly recommend it! Sign up for a 10 day free trial!

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100 Days to Manifest My Money Workbook and Gratitude Journal

Journal your way to increasing income! Use the check writing technique to rewrite your money story. Available on Amazon!


This is Evidence of My Abundance - Money Manifestation Journal

This Money Manifestation Journal is available on Amazon. It includes beautiful images and lined pages to script and journal your manifestation intentions and success stories. Start scripting out the life you really want to live. The images have positive money quotes to prompt you in your manifestation journaling. I love to write and journal manifestations into being!

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