Purple Space Background

Go Forth and Thrive

Go Forth and Thrive

You are destined to Go Forth and Thrive in every area of your life! ​Discover simple tools that create success, prosperity, and abundance in ​every aspect of your life while you reduce anxiety and stress.

I share beautiful positive affirmations, subliminal audios, and true ​manifestation stories. Learn how your thoughts create your current ​reality, and how to change it for the better!

I believe that each of us holds the power to BE anything we want to be. ​Learn how to imagine your way into a completely different life.

I love using visualization exercises, scripting & journaling, video vision ​boards, affirmations (both verbal and subliminal), and positive quotes to ​attract abundance, love, joy, and prosperity.


You are destined to Go Forth and Thrive in every area of your life! ​Discover simple tools that create success, prosperity, and abundance in ​every aspect of your life while you reduce anxiety and stress.

I share beautiful positive affirmations, subliminal audios, and true ​manifestation stories. Learn how your thoughts create your current ​reality, and how to change it for the better!

I believe that each of us holds the power to BE anything we want to be. ​Learn how to imagine your way into a completely different life.

I love using visualization exercises, scripting & journaling, video vision ​boards, affirmations (both verbal and subliminal), and positive quotes to ​attract abundance, love, joy, and prosperity.


Money Manifestation Journals

Positive Affirmation Coloring Books

Abraham Hicks: How to Align with the Frequency of Money

All of the resources of Source have accompanied your desire. The question is, where are you in vibrational ​relationship to the well-being that you're asking for? Where are you in vibrational relationship to the ​relationship you want? Where are you in vibrational proximity to the money you've been asking for? Where ​are you in vibrational relationship to the vitality, to the energy, to the physical wellness that you've been ​asking for? You know how you can tell? You can tell by the way you feel. You cannot set your radio dial on 630 ​AM and hear what's being broadcast on 98.7 FM; the frequencies don't line up. And you cannot set your ​frequency on "I don't have enough money, I've never had enough money, I'm annoyed at people who do have ​enough money, I'm irritated at my family for not giving me more of their money, I'm mad at my employer for ​not giving me more of their money, I'm mad at the government for taking so much of my money, I'm mad at ​money." You cannot have these attitudes about money and be a vibrational match to the financial resources ​that you've been asking for. Your frequencies are too far apart.

And every moment of every day as you approach the subject of money, you either move closer toward the ​manifestation that you seek or further from the manifestation you seek. In other words, Magellan is not ​interested, nor are we, in where you've been on your trail toward money, away from money, toward money, ​away, away, away, toward, toward, toward, away, away, away, away, away, away, toward, toward, toward, away, ​away, away. But we do want to point out to you that if you would make your journey quantifiable, you could ​then move toward, toward, toward, toward, toward, toward, toward, until you receive the manifestation of the ​money because it's there for you. It's not there for anyone else. Nobody else is going to get what you have set ​into motion for yourself. It's there for you, but you've got to line up with it.

And when you're ornery, you're not lined up with things you want. When you're unhappy, you're not lined up ​with things you want. When you're nitpicking over things and finding points of irritation or anger or ​powerlessness, you're not lined up with what you want. And you've got to be lined up with what you want. You ​don't have the luxury of maintaining a vibration over here when what you want is over here. And we think the ​reason that so many of you don't realize what you're doing is because your journey has not yet been, for you, ​understandable. You can't really tell because you haven't been paying attention to the way that you can tell. ​You haven't been listening to your guidance system that has been telling you whether you're moving toward ​or away from things you want, whether you're moving toward or away from things you don't want. You haven't ​been paying attention to your guidance system or you would know how to continue to move consistently in ​the direction of what you want.

And you know, we think the reason that you have not been using your guidance system is because you've ​been letting others convince you that their point of focus about you was more relevant to you than your own. ​You've been listening to things outside of you like commandments or religious dictates or parental control or ​governmental control or the control of those that you live with. In other words, you've been listening to ​people outside of you rather than paying attention to your own vibrational relativity. And there's another very ​big reason. Most of you do not realize that more than 99% of every creation is actually completed ​vibrationally before you begin to see evidence of it. So when you want something and you hope for something, ​you're well along the way to it. But when you take score before it is manifested and then find the vibration that ​is indicated by discouragement, you turn right around and go in the other direction.

There is no such thing as something that is incurable. There is no such thing as something that is impossible. ​There's only vibrational discord with the wellness; that's what illness is. There's only vibrational discord with ​abundance; that's what poverty is. There's only vibrational discord with clarity; that's what confusion is. And ​you have guidance within you that will help you to quantify your journeys. You can tell, if you care about how ​you feel, whether you're marching, marching, marching towards something that you're going to like when it ​gets there.

People will say, "Abraham, it came out of the blue," and we say, "Hardly. You've been beating that drum for a ​long, long time." And you say, "No, I haven't. I haven't been thinking about that. I didn't think about the ​specifics of this terrible thing that happened to me." And we say, "But you thought about enough things that ​were vibrationally equivalent to this powerlessness that you are feeling or to this rage that you are feeling, ​that you activated a vibration that kept you from going in the direction of what you want and, in fact, took you ​directly to what you do not want." Do you get it? That when you are ornery, ornery, ornery, ornery, ornery, ​ornery, ornery, you can't end up in Happyville; it's on a different path. You see, when you are frustrated, ​frustrated, frustrated, frustrated, frustrated, frustrated, everywhere you go, things that are frustrated in ​nature are there waiting for you. They are waiting for you with open arms. "You planned us," they say, "you ​prepared us, you called us from the ethers." And the universe and Law of Attraction goes to great trouble; it's ​really no trouble at all; it's just a natural consequence of the laws of the universe; Law of Attraction will meet ​you around every corner with the essence of your vibrational nature. It's everywhere you go. That's what we ​mean when we say you take yourself with you.

~Abraham Hicks

💰This is the Video Vision Board Tool that I use to manifest with pictures, video, and sound! I love it! ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal

The Power of Imagination

Manifestation Stories

Neville Goddard

Listen to these manifestation stories taken from the chapter Visionary ​Fancy in The Law and The Promise book by Neville Goddard. You can ​buy this book as part of a whole collection of his books on Amazon ​here: https://amzn.to/3KEZHH

R.O. employed the art of seeing and feeing to create her vision in imagination.

"A year ago I took my children to Europe leaving my furnished apartment in the care of my maid. When we ​returned a few months later to the United States I found my maid and all my furniture gone. The apartment ​superintendent stated that the maid had had my furniture moved 'by my request. There was nothing I could ​do at the moment, so I took my children and moved into a hotel. I, of course, reported the incident to the ​police and, also, brought in private detectives on the case. Both organizations investigated every moving ​company and every storage warehouse in New York City, but to no avail. There seemed to be absolutely no ​trace of my furniture, nor of my maid.

"Having exhausted all outside sources, I remembered your teaching and decided I would try using my ​imagination in this matter. So, while seated in my hotel room I closed my eyes and imagined myself in my ​own apartment sitting in my favorite chair and surrounded by all of my personal furnishings. I looked across ​the living room at the piano on which I kept pictures of my children. I would continue to stare at my piano ​until the entire room became vividly real to me. I could see my children's pictures and actually feel the ​upholstery of the chair in which, in my imagination, I sat.

"The next day, as I came out of my bank, I turned to walk in the direction of my vacant apartment instead of ​toward my hotel. When I reached the corner I discovered my 'mistake' and was just about to turn back when ​my attention was drawn to a very familiar pair of ankles. Yes, the ankles belonged to my maid. I walked up to ​her and took hold of her arm. She was quite frightened, but I assured her all I wanted from her was my ​furniture. I called a taxi and she took me to the place in which her friends had stored my furnishings. In one ​day, my imagination had found what an entire big city police force and private investigators could not find in ​weeks."

... R.O.

This lady knew of the secret of imagining before she called in the police, but imagining, in spite of its ​importance, was forgotten, owing to attention being fixed on facts. However, what reason failed to find by ​force, imagining found without effort. Nothing merely goes on - including the sense of loss - without its ​imaginal support. By imagining that she was seated in her own chair, in her own living room, surrounded by ​all of her own furnishings, she withdrew the imaginal support she had given to her sense of loss; and by this ​imaginal change she recovered her lost furniture and reestablished her home.

Your imagination is most creative when you imagine things as you desire them to be, building a new ​experience out of a dream of fancy.

To build such a dream of fancy in her imagination, F.G. brought to play all of her senses-sight, sound, touch, ​smell— even taste. This is her story:

"Since childhood I have dreamed of visiting far-away places. The West Indies, particularly, fixed my fancy, ​and I would revel in the feeling of actually being there. Dreams are wonderfully inexpensive and as an adult I ​continued to dream my dreams, for I had no money or time to make them come true? Last year I was taken to ​the hospital in need of surgery.

I had heard your teaching and, while recuperating, had decided to intensify my favorite daydream while had ​time on my hands. I actually wrote to the Alcoa Steamship Line asking for free travel folders and pored over ​them, hour after hour, choosing the ship and the stateroom and the seven ports I desired most to see. I would ​close my eyes and, in my imagination, would walk up the gangplank of that ship and feel the movement of ​water as the great liner pushed its way into free ocean. I heard the thud of waves breaking against the sides of ​the ship, felt the steaming warmth of a tropical sun on my face and smelled and tasted salt in the air as we all ​sailed through blue waters.

"For one solid week, confined to a hospital bed, I lived the free and happy experience of actually being on that ​ship. Then, the day before my release from the hospital, I tucked the colored folders away and forgot them. ​Two months later I received a telegram from an advertising agency telling me I had won a contest. I ​remembered having deposited a contest coupon some months before in a neighborhood supermarket but had ​completely forgotten the act. I had won first prize and, wonder of wonders, it entitled me to a Caribbean ​cruise sponsored by the Alcoa Steamship Line. But the wonder didn't stop there. The very stateroom I had ​imaginatively lived in and moved about in while confined to a hospital bed had been assigned to me. And tomake an unbelievable story even more unbelievable, I sailed on the one ship I had chosen, which stopped in ​not one, but all of the seven ports I had desired to visit!"

... F.G.

These are just a few examples of how we can use our imagination to ​create whatever we want in our lives. These stories are taken from the ​book "The Law and The Promise" by Neville Goddard, in the chapter ​called Visionary Fancy. I would recommend getting this entire ​collection of Neville Goddard books here.

I love reading these stories and any case studies on how people ​manifest things. If you would like to share with me any of your own ​stories of manifestation and how you have brought things into being, ​just fill out this google form so we can share your story to encourage ​others on their manifestation journey.

💰This is the Video Vision Board Tool that I use to manifest with pictures, video, and sound! I love it! ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal

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Attract $30,000 Per Month with these Money Affirmations

This is a SILENT subliminal affirmation video. The affirmations are spoken at a very low volume and cannot ​be heard by the your conscious mind, however your subconscious mind can hear them. (See below for ​affirmations used in this video). You will only hear the background music. That is how the video is designed. ​So relax and listen to the music. Your mind will soak in the affirmations without arguing with them. ​Reprogram your money mindset to earn $30,000 per month by listening to this video every day for 21 days ​straight.

💰Subliminal words in this video:

I easily and effortlessly earn $30,000 dollars per month with joy and ease.

I am so happy and grateful now that I earn $30,000 per month.

Money comes to me in surprising and delightful ways.

I am aligned with my true calling and money flows to me quickly and easily.

Thank you, Thank You, Thank You.

I love the unique ways that money shows up in my life.

I have numerous passive income streams and they continue to grow and multiply every day.

I consistently earn more than $30,000 from various sources each and every month.

I am delighted by the infinite abundance that flows to me.

Every month at least $30,000 flows to me.

The more I help others, the more money I make.

I work on my business when I am inspired to do so, and when I have joy.

This creates unique money making opportunities for me.

$30,000 or more comes to me easily and effortlessly now.

My finances are a source of peace and happiness.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the $30,000 I receive per month.

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases If you ​shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or Amazon ​Gift Card. Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account.

💰If you would like to make your own subliminal videos or audios, see my tutorial video here, ​https://youtu.be/bT9w6AZ424M or you can directly access the subliminal software here.

💰Listen to More Abundance Subliminal Videos Here. Subliminal Playlist

💰If you found this video brought you joy and you would like to support my efforts continue making YouTube ​videos that inspire people, you can send a gratitude tip to CashApp: $Thrive520M

💰This is the Video Vision Board Tool that I use to manifest with pictures, video, and sound! I love it! ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal

#moneysubliminal #moneyaffirmation #money #prosperityaffirmations #lawofattractionmantra #lawofattractionmoney #lawofattraction #abundance ​#abundancesubliminal #subliminal #subliminalmoney #subliminals #subliminalbooster #goforthandthrive #moneyaffirmation #moneyaffirmations ​#30kmonth

Silent Subliminal Money Affirmations

to Earn $50,000 Per Month

$50,000 per month SILENT Money Subliminal (NO MUSIC)

This is a SILENT subliminal affirmation video. The affirmations are spoken at a very low volume and cannot ​be heard by your conscious mind, however your subconscious mind can hear them. (See below for ​affirmations used in this video). Your mind will soak in the affirmations without arguing with them. ​Reprogram your money mindset to start earning $50,000 per month by listening to this video every day for 21 ​days straight. Be open to money flowing into your life in surprising and unexpected way!

💰$50,000 Per Month Affirmations Used in this video:

I easily and effortlessly earn $50,000 dollars per month with joy and ease.

I am so happy and grateful now that I earn $50,000 per month.

Money comes to me in surprising and delightful ways.

I am aligned with my true calling and money flows to me quickly and easily.

Thank you, Thank You, Thank You.

I love the unique ways that money shows up in my life.

I have numerous passive income streams and they continue to grow and multiply every day.

I consistently earn more than $50,000 from various sources each and every month.

I am delighted by the infinite abundance that flows to me.

Every month at least $50,000 flows to me.

The more I help others, the more money I make.

I work on my business when I am inspired to do so, and when I have joy.

This creates unique money making opportunities for me.

$50,000 or more comes to me easily and effortlessly now.

My finances are a source of peace and happiness.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the $50,000 I receive per month.

Everything is always working out for me.

Money shows up in my mailbox with surprise.

I receive unexpected deposits into my CashApp and my Venmo accounts.

I receive large passive income royalties into my Paypal account.

I have a steady stream of money flowing to me.

I always have an excess of money each month.

I am able to bless others with money, gifts, my time, because I always have more than enough.

We have a wonderful beach property that we are able to invite friends and family to come stay with us and ​relax and rejuvenate.

We are living our best life!

We are happy, healthy, and relaxed.

We enjoy each other’s company.

We can spend time going on adventures and doing what truly makes our hearts happy.

We have so much to be thankful for.

My online sales have skyrocketed and my passive income streams are an incredible source of income for us.

We easily multiply the money we have and turn it into more money.

We have numerous sources of income.

Most of our income streams are passive or residual.

We make a good chunk of money in the stock market.

Everything is always working out for us.

This allows us to spend time with each other and friends and family.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I am connected to all people and places and things in the infinite field of possibilities.

I choose massive passive income.

I choose abundance.

I choose love and light.

I choose joy.

What would it take to have overflowing abundance?

What would it take to have $50,000 per month in income?

What would it take to have $60,000 per month in income?

What would it take to have $70,000 per month in income?

What would it take to have $80,000 per month in income?

What would it take to have $90,000 per month in income?

What would it take to have $100,000 per month in income?

I am so blessed.

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases If you ​shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or Amazon ​Gift Card. Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account.

💰If you would like to make your own subliminal videos or audios, see my tutorial video here, ​https://youtu.be/bT9w6AZ424M or you can directly access the subliminal software here.

💰Listen to More Abundance Subliminal Videos Here. Subliminal Playlist

💰If you found this video brought you joy and you would like to support my efforts continue making YouTube ​videos that inspire people, you can send a gratitude tip to CashApp: $Thrive520M

#moneysubliminal #moneyaffirmation #money #prosperityaffirmations #lawofattractionmantra #lawofattractionmoney #lawofattraction #abundance ​#abundancesubliminal #subliminal #subliminalmoney #subliminals #subliminalbooster #goforthandthrive #moneyaffirmation #moneyaffirmations ​#50kmonth

$100,000 Per Month Affirmations

$100,000 per Month Money Affirmations

Prosperity Wealth Manifestation

$100,000 per Month Money Affirmations Prosperity Wealth Manifestation #moneyaffirmations #iamrich ​#affirmationsforwealth #affirmationsformoney

This $100,000 per Month money affirmations video starts out with a single voice with background music, and ​then morphs into 3 different voices all saying $100,000 per month affirmations all at once, in different ears, ​so headphones are recommended.

The money affirmations for wealth are as follows:

My money is always multiplying, and I easily receive at least $100,000 per month.

I AM in the vibration of a person who joyfully receives $100,000 this month.

Money is welcome in my life.

I am so thankful for the flow of money to me.

I AM the person who receives at least $100,000 per month.

Money comes to me with surprise and delight.

I am so blessed to receive at least $100,000 each and every month!

Isn’t it wonderful that I AM now earning $100,000 per month?

I am so happy and grateful now that $100,000 comes to me quickly and easily every month!

I am open to joyfully receiving $100,000 out of the blue!

It is amazing all the ways that money flows to me!

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 Positive Affirmations Coloring Book https://amzn.to/4c6ST1D

💰 Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - "This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook: https://amzn.to/3VY6umn


💰 If you would like me to add your name to my daily abundance blessing list, send $1 or more to my CashApp: ​$Thrive520M I intentionally bless this list for 15 minutes DAILY!

💰Subliminal Messages Created and Embedded with MindZoom Subliminal Software

💰If you would like to see other ways that I make money online, see my website here that discussing making ​money online at home: http://www.FiveGreenLizards.com

💰If you found this video brought you joy and you would like to support my efforts continue making YouTube ​videos that inspire people, you can send a gratitude tip to CashApp: $Thrive520M

$200,000 Subliminal Affirmations

$200,000 per Month Money Subliminal with Music

Attract Money Quickly and Easily

Manifest $200,000 Subliminal Affirmations with Music Attract Money Quickly and Easily #subliminalsenses

This is a SILENT subliminal, meaning the affirmations are so quiet that you can’t hear them. You only hear ​the background music being played. This way, your conscious mind won't argue with the affirmations, and it ​will allow your subconscious mind to sync up with the affirmations and start creating it in your life. (scroll ​down to read the affirmations)

Listen to this on loop to Manifest $200,000 Quickly and Easily

Silent Subliminal Affirmations with Relaxing Music.

The $200,000 affirmation is in the background very quietly, almost silent. Your subconscious mind can ​detect it, but your conscious mind only hears the relaxing background music, which help your brain waves ​slow down so you can more easily train your subconscious brain to accept this affirmation.

Repeating affirmation is as follows:

Thank you Thank you Thank you that I now have $200,000 extra in my account and that it came easily and ​effortlessly, with surprise and delight.

I am so thankful that money is overflowing in my life.

I am so happy and grateful for this extra $200,000!

I have more than enough money to do all the wonderful things I want to do in life.

I can easily help everyone I want to help and I can easily provide support to my family.

I am so thankful that I can accomplish all my dreams with this overflowing money and that I can bless others ​too.

Every time I spend money, it comes back to me multiplied.

I now have $200,000 or more in my account.

I live in a state of prosperity & wealth. I live in a state of financial overflow.

I AM so blessed.

$300,000 Subliminal Affirmations

$300,000 per Month Money Subliminal with Music

Attract Money Quickly and Easily

Manifest $300,000 Subliminal Affirmations w/ Music Attract Money Quickly and Easily #subliminalmoney

This is a SILENT subliminal, meaning the $300,000 affirmations are so quiet that you can’t hear them. You ​only hear the background music being played. This way, your conscious mind won't argue with the ​affirmations, and it will allow your subconscious mind to sync up with the affirmations and start creating it in ​your life. (scroll down to read the affirmations)

Listen to this on LOOP to Manifest $300,000 Quickly and Easily Silent Subliminal Affirmations with Relaxing ​Music.

Here's the affirmations that are included in this subliminal video to attract $300,000:

Isn’t it wonderful how quickly and easily $300,000 came to me today?

I am so blessed that I now have an extra $300,000 in my account.

Isn’t it amazing how effortlessly it came to me with surprise and delight.

I am so blessed that money flows to me so quickly and easily in unexpected ways.

I am the person who received $300,000 out of the blue because I believed that it is possible to receive ​$300,000!

There are so many amazing ways that money comes to me.

I am always excited to see how the money will come to me.

Isn’t it wonderful that I now have an extra $300,000 so that I can live my best life and I can also help and bless ​others.

Isn’t it so wonderful that I receive $300,000 now? I am so blessed.

$400,000 Subliminal Affirmations

Manifest $400,000 Out of the Blue

Silent Money Subliminal with Music

Manifest $400,000 Out of the Blue - Silent Subliminal WITH MUSIC

This is a SILENT Subliminal Video with Music. The money affirmations are written very quietly, underneath ​the music, so that only your subconscious mind can hear the affirmations. That way, your conscious mind ​won't argue with the prosperity statements! So just relax and enjoy!

Listen on LOOP or REPEAT for best results!

The subliminal affirmations are as follows:

I just received $400,000, out of the blue!

Isn’t it wonderful! I can’t believe how easily money comes to me!

I never could have imagined the unique and fun way that I got the $400,000!

All I did was set an intention that I wanted to receive $400,000 and I believed that it was possible.

People win the lottery every day, or find buried treasure in their yard, or get a huge buyout for a business they ​started, or even earn that much for their salary, so I knew that it is possible.

And I thought, “If it’s possible for them, then it’s possible for me too!”

Money is just energy, and it flows where attention is given to it.

I simply set my intention that I wanted to receive $400,000 easily and effortlessly, for the good of all involved, ​and then I believed that somehow, someway, everything would come together to make it happen for me.

We are all connected, and our thoughts and feelings send out electromagnetic waves every single moment.

It’s like the instructions we are giving out, to say what we want to have show up in our lives.

So I simply set the intention, with my thoughts and beliefs, that I wanted to receive an extra $400,000!

And here it is! Isn’t it wonderful?

Money comes to me so quickly and easily when I believe that it can!

I am so blessed to receive this $400,000!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

$500,000 Silent Subliminal

Manifest $500,000 Subliminal Money Affirmations

Manifest $500,000 Subliminal Affirmations - Attract Money Quickly and Easily #goforthandthrive

This is a SILENT subliminal. The affirmations are written very quietly. Your subconscious mind can pick them ​up, but because they are so quiet, your conscious mind won't argue with them. So just sit back and relax and ​listen to the silence.

Play on LOOP or REPEAT for best results!

The $500,000 Affirmations Include:

I am so happy and grateful now that I have an extra $500,000!

It's almost unbelievable how I came into this money.

It was surprising and delightful.

I always expect to receive large sums of money, and now I have an extra $500,000!

Isn't it wonderful!!!!

I am a master manifestor!

I call in money anytime I want.

Everything I desire flows to me quickly and easily.

It's so amazing that I now have an extra $500,000!

I am so thankful that money is overflowing in my life.

I have enough money to provide for all my family's needs and to bless others.

My finances are always in a state of peace.

I am so grateful that I now have $500,000 EXTRA in my account and that it came easily and effortlessly, with ​surprise and delight.

I am so happy and grateful for this extra $500,000!

I have more than enough money to do all the wonderful things I want to do in life.

I can easily help everyone I want to help and I can easily provide support to my family.

I am so thankful that I can accomplish all my dreams with this overflowing money and that I can bless others ​too.

Every time I spend money, it comes back to me multiplied.

I now have more than $500,000 in my account.

Money loves to circulate in my life.

I live in a state of prosperity & wealth.

I live in a state of financial overflow.

I AM so blessed.

















$600,000 Subliminal Affirmations

Manifest $600,000 Subliminal Money Affirmations

Manifest $600,000 Subliminal Money Affirmations with Music #goforthandthrive

The sublminal affirmations are as follows:

I just received $600,000, out of the blue!

Isn’t it wonderful??!!!!

I can’t believe how easily money comes to me!

I never could have imagined the unique and fun way that I got the $600,000!

All I did was set an intention that I wanted to receive $600,000 and I believed that it was possible.

People win the lottery every day, or find buried treasure in their yard, or get a huge buyout for a business they ​started, or even earn that much for their salary, so I knew that it is possible.

And I thought, “If it’s possible for them, then it’s possible for me too!”

Money is just energy, and it flows where attention is given to it.

I simply set my intention that I wanted to receive $600,000 easily and effortlessly, for the good of all involved, ​and then I believed that somehow, someway, everything would come together to make it happen for me.

We are all connected, and our thoughts and feelings send out electromagnetic waves every single moment.

It’s like the instructions we are giving out, to say what we want to have show up in our lives.

So I simply set the intention, with my thoughts and beliefs, that I wanted to receive an extra $600,000!

And here it is.

If we are BEING in the energy of a person who receives $600,000, then all the cooperating components ​necessary will come together to make it happen.

Isn’t it wonderful?

Money comes to me so quickly and easily when I believe that it can!

I am so blessed to receive this $600,000!

I am so blessed to receive this $600,000!

I am so blessed to receive this $600,000!

I am so blessed to receive this $600,000!

I am so blessed to receive this $600,000!

I am so blessed to receive this $600,000!

I am so blessed to receive this $600,000!

I am so blessed to receive this $600,000!

I am so blessed to receive this $600,000!

I am so blessed to receive this $600,000!

I am so blessed to receive this $600,000!











$750,000 Subliminal Affirmations for Money

Manifest $750,000 Subliminal Money Affirmations

💰The affirmations are written VERY QUIETLY underneath the music. Because it is hard to hear the ​affirmations, your conscious mind doesn't argue with them, allowing them to reshape your beliefs about ​money. These subliminals are specific to manifesting $750,000 EXTRA into your life.

💰Listen on LOOP or REPEAT for best results.

💰Listen with headphones for best results.

💰The subliminal money affirmations are as follows:

I recently received $750,000 out of the blue.

I am so happy and grateful now that I have an extra $750,000!

It's almost unbelievable how I came into this money.

It was surprising and delightful.

I always expect to receive large sums of money, and now I have an extra $750,000!

Isn't it wonderful!!!!

I am a master manifestor!

I call in money anytime I want.

I am the person who easily receives an extra $750,000!

Everything I desire flows to me quickly and easily.

I am so thankful that money is overflowing in my life.

It's so amazing that I now have an extra $750,000!

I have enough money to provide for all my family's needs and to bless others.

My finances are always in a state of peace.

I am so grateful that I now have $750,000 EXTRA in my account and that it came easily and effortlessly.

There is no limit to how much money I can manifest.

I am so blessed to have this extra $750,000!

Just imagine all the amazing things I can do with this extra $750,000!

I have more than enough money to do all the wonderful things I want to do in life.

I can easily help everyone I want to help and I can easily provide support to my family.

I am so thankful that I can accomplish all my dreams with this overflowing money and that I can bless others ​too. $750,000 is now mine!

Every time I spend money, it comes back to me multiplied.

I am always in the flow of money, abundance, wealth, and prosperity.

Money comes to me easily.

Money comes to me effortlessly.

I now have more than $750,000 in my account.

Money loves to circulate in my life.

I live in a state of prosperity & wealth.

I live in a state of financial overflow.

I AM so blessed.

I now have an extra $750,000.













I Deserve Money Subliminal with Music

I Deserve Money Subliminal Affirmations

I Deserve Money Subliminal with Music #moneysubliminal

The money affirmations are as follows:

I deserve money because we all deserve to live the best life possible.

I deserve money because it allows me to joyfully experience wonderful things in life.

I deserve money simply because I choose it.

I don’t need to work hard for it.

I don’t need to struggle for it.

I just need to allow myself to receive it.

I deserve money because money allows me to do good things.

I deserve money because I deserve to live my best life.

I deserve to have an infinite amount of income.

I deserve to have a beautiful home I love.

I deserve to enjoy my daily activities.

I deserve to spend time on things I’m passionate about.

I deserve to go on fun adventures.

I deserve to have a healthy lean body.

I deserve to feel safe.

I deserve to feel fulfilled.

I deserve happiness.

I deserve joy.

I deserve bliss.

I deserve peace.

I deserve to have wonderful relationships.

I deserve to have LOVE. I AM LOVE.

I AM abundant. I deserve all good things.

I deserve abundance, because I AM abundance.

I deserve money simply because I exist.

I deserve money simply because that’s what I choose.

Make Money on Autopilot Affirmations

Affirmations I Use to Make Money on Autopilot

Money Autosuggestion - Affirmations I use to Make Money on Autopilot

This money affirmations video starts out with three different voices saying prosperity affirmations to attract ​money on autopilot. It then morphs into all three voices speaking the money affirmations at once in different ​ears, so use of headphones is recommended.

Listen to this video on repeat for the best effect. (here's how: https://youtu.be/PkIpm9YdqRM)

Affirmations to make money on autopilot included are:

Today I am so grateful for our income sources that run on autopilot and make money for us while we are out ​enjoying our life!

While we are relaxing on the beach, we receive royalty checks deposited into our bank accounts!

While we are out enjoying nature, hiking through the forest, or kayaking across the lake, money comes to us!

While we are visiting family and friends, and going to beautiful places, we continue to receive money into our ​accounts!

The more we enjoy life and focus on loving each other and having amazing experiences as a family, the more ​money we make!

While we are relaxing and resting our bodies, money is deposited into our accounts!

When we host family events, we are blessed with even more deposits in our accounts!

When we focus on loving people and helping people, we are blessed exponentially!

Money flows to us easily and effortlessly because money is welcome here! I love money and money loves me!

I see abundance all around me!

Everything is always working out for me!

I have an overflow of money in my bank account now!

Today I receive an unexpected check in the mail!

Every time I leave the house I find money!

There is an infinite amount of money in the world and I allow myself to receive it!

I can feel money in my hands right now!

My bank account is full!

My ideal customers are willing to buy my products and services at the prices I ask!

Money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways! I give myself permission to do what I love!

Money flows to me when I work on things I’m passionate about!

I am learning the art of surrender! I love the mysterious ways that money shows up in my life!

I can create anything that I can imagine!

I make passive income all day long!

I AM aligned to receive infinite abundance!

Money always flows to me

I am a magnet to money

I am wealth and abundance

I attract money ALL the time

Money always comes my way

Money loves to be around me

Abundance is mine

My wealthy essence draws more money to me

I easily and effortlessly attract large sums of money into my life!

I AM one with money!

I am thankful for my multiple sources of income that come easily and effortlessly!

I have many income sources that pay me consistently and regularly!

I am so happy and grateful now that I have numerous passive income streams that give me an abundance of ​money in a fun and relaxed manner!

I am thankful for the surprising and delightful ways that money shows up in my life consistently and right on ​time!

I am grateful for the unexpected checks I receive in the mail for large amounts of money!

I am thankful for the daily deposits into my bank accounts! I am happy that I can create income producing ​assets from a place of joy!

I am thankful for all the free time I have in my life!

I am grateful that money comes to me whether I create new things or not!

I am blessed that my creations that I made years ago, still provide me with ongoing income!

I am blessed that money comes to me in an easy and relaxed manner!

I am grateful that the more joyful I am, the more money flows into my life!

I am blessed that I can focus my attention on staying relaxed and happy! I am grateful

I am depositing money into my bank account from creative endeavors!

I am happy to help others create abundance in their lives too!

Money is Always Available to Me

Money Affirmations Rampage of Abundance

Money is Always Available to Me (Affirmation Rampage of Abundance) #goforthandthrive

Abundance Affirmations Included:

My money is always working for me.

My money is always multiplying.

I am a money magnet.

I have an infinite supply of money.

All of my bills are paid in full.

Everyday my financial situation improves.

I am always surrounded by opportunities to make more money.

I deserve to be wealthy and successful.

Money is always available to me.

I can afford to travel to beautiful places and have amazing adventures anytime I want.

I always receive everything that I need.

I am always in the right place at the right time for financial opportunities.

Money is my constant companion.

I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.

I am always attracting new streams of income.

Money is drawn to me like a magnet.

I am always financially abundant.

Money is always available to me and I am always ready to receive it.

Money flows to me effortlessly and consistently.

I attract wealth in all forms.

I love having plenty of money to do things that I’m passionate about.

I get paid to exist.

I am open to receiving money from expected and unexpected places.

I have more than enough money for everything I desire.

Wealth is my natural state.

I make money while I sleep.

I am a prosperous and wealthy individual.

I am always attracting new streams of income.

I deserve to be wealthy and successful.

Money is draw to me like a magnet.

I am always financially abundant.

I am a master at manifesting money.

I attract money in large amounts.

Money is my friend.

I am always ready to receive more money.

I welcome all forms of abundance in to my life.

I have an infinite supply of money.

I am always attracting money.

I keep finding money everywhere I go.

Everything is always working out in my favor.

I am always taken care of.

My money is always working for me.

I am so blessed.

I am so grateful for all this abundance in my life.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

For best results, listen on LOOP or REPEAT.

Because this is a silent subliminal money video, it's great to listen to while you are working or reading. Enjoy!

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 Positive Affirmations Coloring Book https://amzn.to/4c6ST1D

💰 Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - "This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook: https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

💰FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE BLESSING💰 If you would like me to add your name to my daily abundance ​blessing list, send $1 or more to my CashApp: $Thrive520M When you send the money, set a specific ​intention that the money you are sending out will come back to you multiplied exponentially. I send blessings ​for financial abundance to everyone on this list DAILY!!!

💰Subliminal Messages Created and Embedded with MindZoom Subliminal Software

#moneysubliminal#goforthandthrive#unexpectedmoney#moneymanifestation#manifestmoneyfast abundance ​affirmations go forth and thrive attract money money is always available to me attract unexpected money affirmations attract ​unexpected money sub how to attract unexpected money from nowhere music to attract unexpected money you will attract ​unexpected money everything is always working out for me subliminal unexpected money

Isn’t It Wonderful?

Neville Goddard Manifestation Technique

Isn't It Wonderful Affirmations Meditation

Neville Goddard Manifestation Technique

For Best Results LOOP this video and listen to for longer than 5 minutes! But if you're short on time, just listen to this quick 5 ​minute "Isn't It Wonderful" Affirmation Video.

There are three different voices repeating the affirmations "Isn't it Wonderful?" and "Isn't It SO Wonderful?".

Use this affirmation to feel an overwhelming sense of joy at EVERYTHING being wonderful in your life. If you have multiple ​things you want to manifest, or if you can't decide what to manifest first, just use this affirmation to include all things.

This Neville Goddard Manifestation Technique is from a success story shared in his book "The Law and The Promise" in ​Chapter 7 "Moods". A lady whom had been attending Neville's lectures was in dire straights and was desperate to change her ​situation, but she needed a new car, a new job, and money for rent, clothes, and bills. Her bank account was depleted and she ​had no friend to turn to for help. Based on Neville's lectures, she started using her imagination to affirm and imagine that she ​had these items that she needed. But she needed so many things, affirming and imagining to solve each problem individually ​was exhausting her. So she decided to use one affirmation to include everything. "Instead of thinking of and imagining every ​article I needed, I tried to capture the 'feeling' that something wonderful was happening to me - not tomorrow, not next week - ​but right now. I would say over and over to myself as I fell asleep, 'Isn't is wonderful! Something marvelous is happening to me ​now!' And as I fell asleep I would feel the way I would expect to feel under such circumstances."

Within a few months of repeating this affirmation as she fell asleep, she ran into an old friend on the street. She had a short ​conversation with the friend, who was going to travel to New York soon. This friend, while in New York, ran into another ​mutual acquaintance, and the friend mentioned they had just ran into her a few weeks before. After this, she received a ​certified check delivered to her for a large amount of money. The check was from the mutual acquaintance in New York, ​whom she hadn't seen or spoken to in more than 25 years.

Apparently, the mutual acquaintance, had become very wealthy over the last 25 years. But there was no explanation given for ​why this person decided to send her money. She continued to receive large checks every single month, for an amount that ​covered not only all her living expenses, but also covered her car, clothes, a spacious apartment, and no need for a job. She ​eventually received legal paperwork that stated that this stream of income would continue for the rest of her life! So all her ​problems were solved from her repeated affirmation of "Isn't it wonderful!"

You can read this story in The Law and The Promise book by Neville Goddard. You can buy this book as part of a whole ​collection of his books on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3KEZHHy I love reading these stories and any case studies on how ​people manifest things.

If you would like to share with me any of your own stories of manifestation and how you have brought things into being, just ​fill out this google form: https://forms.gle/9C7zJCBbEgpTjR747 so we can share your story to encourage others on their ​manifestation journey.

isn't it wonderful affirmations meditation isnt it wonderful affirmations isnt it wonderful affirmations meditation isnt it wonderful affirmations success stories ​isnt is wonderful neville goddard isnt it wonderful neville goddard isnt it wonderful meditation neville goddard isnt it wonderful affirmations neville goddard ​isnt it wonderful technique isnt it wonderful neville Isn't It Wonderful Affirmations Meditation Neville Goddard Manifestation Technique #goforthandthrive ​go forth and thrive

What Are Subliminal Affirmations

and How Do They Work?

How do Subliminals Work?

What are subliminal affirmations and how can we use them to improve our lives?

We dive into this topic on this page and explain how subliminal messages can be used to radically change everything you see ​and experience in your day to day life.

Subliminal affirmations are written very quietly and sometime played underneath music. They are said to work by bypassing ​the conscious mind because they are so quiet. Subliminals can use whispers, low-frequency sounds, or really fast visual ​images. The subliminal messages are so subtle that the conscious mind doesn't recognize them. The conscious mind then ​doesn't argue with them because it doesn't even hear them. However, the subconscious mind picks them up and is influenced ​by them. The subconscious mind is where your core beliefs are held, and it is said that more than 95% of your life is actually ​influenced by your patterns and beliefs you hold in your subconscious mind. So if you want to change something about your ​life, the subconscious mind is what needs to change. By listening to subliminal affirmations over and over again, you can ​slowly reprogram the basic beliefs you hold, which have become the default operating system you are living by.

Most of your subconscious beliefs were created when you were an infant and toddler, all the way up until about age six. ​During these years your brain operated mostly in theta and alpha wave lengths. As an adult, you only get into these brainwave ​pattern during deep mediation or hypnosis. When you are in these brainwave states, your mind is like a sponge, learning and ​soaking up all the information that is presented to it, without regard to whether it's true or not, and making no judgements ​for or against the information. Basically, whatever you repeatedly heard as a young child, solidified a belief system within ​yourself of how things work. So if your parents were constantly arguing about money, or saying there's never enough money, ​then subconsciously you picked up that belief system, just by hearing it over and over again. On the other hand, if you were ​lucky enough to have parents with a prosperity mindset, you were always talking about how "Everything is always working ​out for us" and "Opportunity is everywhere", then you engrain this into your belief system.

Based on the law of attraction, whatever your thoughts and beliefs are, you are emitting a frequency in line with those ​thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. These waves of energy sync up with similar waves of energy. A vibration of joy syncs up with ​other vibrations of joy. Vibrations of complaining syncs up with other vibrations of complaining. You know how when you ​walk into a room, you can tell is someone is in a bad mood, even before they say anything to you. Maybe you have heard ​someone say, "You could cut the tension with a knife!". Or how you can literally FEEL the joy and enthusiasm in a group of ​people who are happy. You can FEEL the energetic vibrations that they are emitting. It's the same reason that a dog doesn't ​like certain people, or you can get a bad feeling about someone. Our current thoughts and emotions give off a VIBE that can ​be felt by others.

Now think about how if you have a room full of clocks they will eventually all sync up with one another. Or how sounds waves ​will either cancel each other out, if they are opposite peaks and valleys, OR they will sync up and create an even stronger ​wave with a higher peak when they merge together.

This is the basic principle of law of attraction. Whatever energetic vibration you are giving off, will sync up with other ​vibrations that are similar. So if you are complaining about something and giving off a bad vibe, you will literally sync up with ​other things in your environment that are also giving off bad vibes. You know the saying "When it rains, it pours" or "It goes ​from bad to worse" or "It just snowballed and got worse and worse". You may stub your toe, spill your coffee, and lose your car ​keys all within the same hour because you were giving off a bad vibe.

So what does that have anything to do with subliminal affirmations? Well, beliefs are just thoughts you continue to think. ​Beliefs are the pattern, or the base operating system that you automatically default to in your life. So if your base pattern is ​one that believes that "Everyone is out to get me" or "Money is hard to get" or "I will never be rich", then you are automatically ​giving off that energetic vibe. And you will always sync up with things and people that are giving off that same bad vibe. You ​will be drawn to people who can complain all about the same things you can complain about. Not only that, your brain will ​filter out what you see, hear, and experience to that MATCH those beliefs. Our brains process millions of pieces of ​information every second. But our reticular activating system will make sure that we only pay attention to the bits of ​information that are matched up with our thoughts and beliefs. Otherwise our minds would be completely overloaded all the ​time with so much information.

The Reticular Activating System and How it Influences What You See

An example of the reticular activating system at work is if you are considering buying a red Jeep, and researching it and ​thinking a lot about it, then all of sudden you will start seeing red Jeeps ALL OVER! Every time you drive down the highway, ​you will see a red Jeep. Now, that doesn't mean that the red Jeeps multiplied overnight and now there's more red Jeeps. No, ​your brain just knows that because you are thinking a lot about red Jeeps, they must be important information to you, so it is ​going to point out and make sure you recognize every single red Jeep that goes by. It's like your brain is saying "Hey, I know ​this is important to you, so I'm showing it to you!"

This is the same principle as confirmation bias. Whatever opinion you hold, whatever belief you have, you will "see" all kinds ​of evidence to support that belief. Everywhere you look! Two people can drive down the same street, and the person who ​believes "Opportunity is everywhere" will see business opportunity and money making opportunities everywhere they look. ​And a different person, who has a different set of core default beliefs such as "Life is so hard, I can never get ahead" will see ​nothing but old run down buildings, trash, and lack. But they are both looking at the same environment, the same street. But ​their core beliefs and repeating thoughts are causing their brains to filter out what they see and hear so it matches their ​beliefs.

So we strive to retrain our core subconscious beliefs by using subliminal affirmations. When we were age 0-6 when these ​core beliefs were established, we really didn't have a choice of what information we were absorbing like a sponge. We ​basically soaked in whatever our parents or caregivers exposed us to. But now, as adults, we can choose to retrain our ​subconscious beliefs. Since this is our pattern that runs on default, we want to change it so it's focused on positivity, ​opportunity, abundance, love, and prosperity. Beliefs are just thoughts we continue to think.

We use subliminal affirmations so that while we are making these changes, our conscious mind isn't arguing with us. If you ​just think "I am rich", but our core belief is "I will never have enough money", then our conscious mind will argue, and we ​won't make any progress. So we start with subconscious affirmations, so we don't get an argument from the conscious mind. ​Soon we will start "seeing" these things all over in our lives. We literally block out and don't pay any attention to the things we ​don't believe in. So as our belief systems change, a whole new world will open up to us. We will attract new prosperous ​opportunities, and we will also sync up with the people who are giving off prosperous vibes. We will match up with a whole ​new set of amazing opportunities. That have been there all along, but we were literally blind to them.

How to Make Subliminal Affirmations

I create my own subliminal affirmations and have an entire playlist on Youtube of subliminals about abundance, money, and ​prosperity.

I use MindZoom software to create my subliminal affirmations. I just type the words I want to use and it will format it into a ​subliminal. I have a tutorial video of how to use the software here.

Money Manifestation Journal Prompts

I love to journal and script. I find it very effective to write into existence the essence of what I want to create in my life. I can ​look back through old journals and see that things I wrote about in the past, have come true in my life. Use your journal to ​create into 3D reality things you want to happen. Instead of writing about your "bad day", write about your "ideal day". Use ​your journal like a script of a novel, in which you are the star character. Write about anything you really want to happen in ​your life. Write about that amazing beach vacation, or about the luxurious night at the gala. Write about your ideal ​relationship, or your ideal job. Write amazing stories, using your imagination to fill in details of amazing experiences and fun ​adventures. Write a story about how you found a treasure chest buried in the backyard! I have first hand experience that this ​stuff really works!

Manifestation starts in your imagination. You must give energy to those crazy abundance stories for them to come true. If we ​don't give any thought to amazing things, we aren't giving any every to those things, so they aren't set into motion. Or if we are ​only thinking about all our problems all day long, then we are only giving energy to our problems, which keeps them in our ​3D reality. Whatever your thoughts and assumptions are, you are maintaining those experiences in your life. YOU are giving ​them energy and keeping them around. YOU are the cause of them staying in your life. Change your ​thoughts/beliefs/attitudes/assumptions and you can literally change your entire life. The external world you see is just a ​reflection of your inner state of mind.

Let's get your mind focused on unbelievable, amazing abundance experiences by WRITING about them. Let's use some ​money manifesting prompts to create more money flowing in our lives. The more you think about abundance flowing to you, ​and the more emotion you have when you think about money coming to you, the quicker the abundance and money will ​come to you. Here's some manifesting journal prompts to help you get started.

Journal Prompts for Manifesting Money

  • Today I went to the mailbox, and was delighted to receive an unexpected check for $5,000! Can you believe it? Isn't it ​wonderful that I can......

  • Today my boss called into his office and congratulated me on how well I'm performed at work. He said I was getting a ​bonus of _________, and also a yearly raise of _____________! (journal about the compliments your boss gave you, and how ​much the extra money means to you, or how you will spend it)

  • Today I was talking to someone and they invited me on an all expense paid vacation to ______________. Apparently ​someone who was planning to go couldn't make it, so they had an spot available. The amazing thing is that the lodging, ​food, and activities are already paid for. Some of the activities planned include.....

  • I was walking to my car in the parking lot and I walked right up upon ____________ (amount of money). Elaborate on this ​story! Write gratitude affirmations about finding money on the ground.

  • I went to __________(event) and won the drawing for ___________ (prize). Elaborate on this story and write gratitudes about ​what you won.

  • My friend gave me free tickets to ________________ (concert, game, event). Elaborate on the amazing time that you had!

  • I was offered box seats to _________________ (playoff sports game, opera, etc). Write about how amazing it was.

  • We were digging in the yard and found buried treasure! (yes, this happens...a Kentucky man found around 700 rare gold ​coins buried on his farm. The coins date back to between 1840 - 1863, and were valued for more than $2,000,000!). Write ​about the amazing treasure YOU found on your property!

  • I went to the thrift store and noticed on the shelf an antique figurine that looked very cool. I bought it for $5. When I got ​home I searched for it on eBay, and it turns out that it's worth over ___________. Elaborate...why did you like this figurine. ​Maybe it had your favorite colors, or was your favorite animal, or reminded you of something your grandma had. Try to ​write and invoke feelings by using your "favorites".

  • Write about your ideal beach vacation. If the beach is not your thing, write about a place that is. Mountain cabin tucked ​away in the remote forest? Crazy fun festival? Write about visiting a place that brings you great joy, fun, or peace!

  • Write about the inside of your luxurious new house or loft apartment. What are your favorite features of the beautiful ​house? What amazing things will you buy for this space? How will you decorate it? HOW DOES IT FEEL TO SLEEP HERE?

  • I looked at my checking account online today, and there was a deposit for $______________. I had no idea where this money ​came from. Write gratitude affirmations about receiving the unexpected money, and elaborate on how you are going to ​spend the money.

  • Write about the perfect business that you run. Write about how profitable it is. Write about how enjoyable it is to sell your ​favorite product or service to wonderful customers. Write about how amazing your customers are.

  • Write about how grateful you are to be receiving on going consistent large deposits into your bank account. Write about ​HOW THIS MAKES YOU FEEL.

These scripting prompts should give you some ideas to get you started on journaling for manifestation. Just write about the ​MOST AMAZING things you can think of. Write about your FAVORITE things and experiences you want to have. Treat it like ​a fictional novel, in which you are the main character. It doesn't have to be believable to you. The essence is that you feel JOY ​when you are writing or reading your journal. Write about how amazing it is that you ARE EXPERIENCING THOSE THINGS. ​Get into the essence and the vibe of the luxury. Get into the feeling of how AMAZING it is.

Although we want to manifest money, we really want to manifest the end result that the money give us. We want to manifest ​the amazing things we can do, places we can go, and freedom we can have. Receiving the money is a small detail, but the ​bigger broader picture is the HAPPY END RESULT.

The amazing beach vacation, or wonderful concert we attended, or beautiful getaway weekend we had with friends. ​Remember, all these things can also come about without money being involved at all.

I've had box seats to a professional sports game given to me.

I've had first class airline tickets and a luxury condo offered to my daughter a few days after scripting about a beach vacation.

I won an $800 prize at an event I attended.

Write about amazing things, and you will manifest amazing things!

If you would like a beautiful journal to write your money manifestation stories in, check out my money ​manifestation journal on Amazon.

I won more than $800 worth of coins at an event I attended!

Family Finds Millions in Buried Treasure

scripting prompts

money manifestation journal prompts

manifestation journaling prompts

manifestation journal prompts

journaling prompts for manifestation

journal prompts to manifest your desires

journal prompts for manifesting

scripting prompts

law of attraction journal prompts

Passive Income Subliminal Affirmations

Passive Income Subliminals with Nature Sounds

My passive income is increasing every single day.

I am inspired to create assets that continue to pay me for years to come.

I have multiple streams of income.

I make money while I sleep with my passive income assets.

My passive income expands to meet the desires of my customers.

I love to create products that can make me money over and over again.

I work on my passive income only when I am inspired to do so.

My creations pay me income for years to come.

How can I create more passive income? Give me inspiration.

I love multiplying my passive income streams.

The internet has allowed me to sell my products all over the world.

Today’s technology has allowed me to leverage other businesses to create more passive income.

I love increasing my passive income sources.

I have the opportunity to make money every second of every day.

There is an abundant supply of customers for me.

My passive income funds all of my monetary needs.

My passive income is continuously growing.

My passive income streams pay me even when I am out having fun.

My passive income sources pay me when I’m enjoying vacation.

My passive income sources pay me when I’m spending time with my family.

My passive income sources pay me when I’m out enjoying nature.

My passive income sources pay me when I’m serving others.

My passive income sources pay me when I’m taking care of loved ones.

My passive income sources pay me when I’m sleeping.

My passive income sources are free from my time.

I set them up and work on them when I create them.

I spend some time maintaining them.

But for the most part, they quietly work in the background, day in and day out.

They require only a little attention once I get them set up.

I love passive income.

I use MindZoom software to create my subliminal affirmations. I just type the words I want to use and it will format it into a ​subliminal. I have a tutorial video of how to use the software here.

#passiveincome #passiveincomeaffirmations #passiveincomesubliminal #passivewealth #makepassiveincome#passiveincomeideas #passiveincomeideas2025 #passiveincomeideas2025 #passiveincomeaffirmations #money #finance#financial #affirmations #positiveaffirmations #moneysubliminal #moneyaffirmation #money #prosperityaffirmations#abundance #abundancesubliminal #subliminal #subliminalmoney #subliminals #subliminalbooster #goforthandthrive#moneyaffirmation #moneyaffirmations #passiveincome #moneyaffirmations #makepassiveincome#makepassiveincomeonline passive income subliminals money subliminals passive income subliminal affirmations ​subliminal with nature sounds passive income blueprints e commerce automation passive income passive income services ​automated income system passive franchise opportunities passive income property for sale passive income google ads ​passive sources passive wealth passive franchises best passive franchises earn royalty income shopify passive income ​residual income business for sale passive income ideas passive income residual income passive income is

Money Manifestation Portal

$100 Dollar Bills Subliminal

Loop this video for greater results. Enter the money manifestation portal where $100 bills fly by as you go ​deep into the quantum field.

Underneath the soothing relaxing music are subliminal positive money affirmations for financial success and ​prosperity.

Subliminals: "Divine order takes charge of my life today and every day. All things work together for good for ​me today. This is a new and wonderful day for me. There will never be another day like this one. I am divinely ​guided all day long, and whatever I do will prosper. Divine love surrounds me, enfolds, me, and enwraps me, ​and I go forth in peace. Whenever my attention wanders away from that which is good and constructive, I will ​immediately bring it back to the contemplation of that which is lovely and of good report. I am a spiritual and ​mental magnet attracting to myself all things, which bless and prosper me. I am going to be a wonderful ​success in all my undertakings today. I am definitely going to be happy all day long." Exerpt taken from The ​Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy - available here: https://amzn.to/2YWZv1O

I am a radiant joyous person. I give off a good vibe to others. My energy is felt as a warm loving energy to ​others. I have success in all I do. Money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways. I am one with everyone ​and everything in the entire universe. We are all made from the creator and we all have the same energy ​inside us. Like the thousands of leaves on a single tree, we are all unique and individual, yet we are all of the ​same organism. We are all attached to the source. We all have source in us. That which we want to manifest is ​not something outside of us. We are just a hologram, one small piece of the puzzle, but our piece contains all ​the information for the entire universe. You can project the entire image of the universe from one individual. ​I have access to the knowledge of all mankind, both past, present, and future. We are all the same energy, all ​the same components. The quantum field holds information about my entire existence, and I hold ​information about the entire existence of the universe.

That which I want to manifest is not something separate from myself. I am a part of it. I just need to open my ​non-physical senses to be able to access things that are not in my physical 3D world presence. I have access if ​I can tap into the energy, and allow myself to feel the non-physical. I am not just a body with a soul. I am a ​soul, with a temporary body in the physical plane. My soul, my spirit, my energy, my life force, is much ​greater than this physical body that others see with their physical senses. My soul, my spirit, my energy exists ​in waves that go out into the entire universe. Every thought, every emotion, is energy in motion. It travels out, ​taking information out deep into the field. All others in the universe can sense and read this information. ​When I send out information about what I want to manifest, even if it is a person showing up in my life, my ​energy goes out and their soul, their spirit, can sense that energy and get the message.

This is how you can communicate to others without even saying words. The money that I desire is already in ​my universe. I already have it. But my physical senses are limiting me by not allowing me to sense it. I must ​belief it is there in energy, before it will be there in my physical hands, or my physical bank account. Many ​blessings are mine. My money multiplies. I have twice as much money as I need to spend. I have $200,000 per ​month.

Many people go to http://www.GoForthAndThrive.com and sign up for an annual membership at Positive ​Prime. Ten thousand people are happier, more in alignment with abundance. I follow sound personal finance ​tips about how to manage money. I learn all I can about how to budget money so I can have financial ​independence. I am in charge of my own personal finance situation. I can create my own abundance of wealth. ​I am a money magnet. I am open to receiving overflowing abundance of money. I manage my money wisely. ​My investments multiply every single day. I always have enough cash on hand. There are many business ​opportunities for me. I take charge of my own personal finance. I read books on how to manage your money. I ​invest in the stock market when it is appropriate.

True Manifestation Stories

True Manifestation Stories Episode 1

Listen to my true stories of how I have manifested money seemingly out of the blue by using images, props, ​and even just my thoughts.

See how quickly your mind can create the things you want to manifest!

Listen in as I tell my manifestation success stories of:

💰 How I won more than $800 in coins after putting a picture of stacks of coins in my video vision board!

💰 How I found a big envelope of cash in the back of my car, THAT I DIDN'T PUT THERE!

💰 How I asked myself "Why do I always find coins on the ground, why can't I find dollar bills, like a $20 dollar ​bill" and I walked up to a $20 bill in the grass within 15 minutes of having that thought!

This is just the first episode of me sharing true money manifestation stories. I have a lot of other examples to ​share in future episodes. Subscribe to my channel so you don't miss out on hearing more law of attraction ​success stories about money!

They Manifested a Business

PAID IN FULL by a Stranger

The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard

Manifestation Story

Listen to these manifestation stories taken from the chapter Case Studies in The Power of Awareness book by ​Neville Goddard. You can buy this book as part of a whole collection of his books on Amazon here: ​https://amzn.to/3KEZHH

This is a striking story of an extremely successful business man demonstrating the power of imagination and ​the law of assumption. I know this family intimately and all the details were told to me by the son described ​herein.

The story begins when he was twenty years old. He was next to the oldest in a large family of nine brothers ​and one sister. The father was one of the partners in a small merchandising business. In his eighteenth year ​the brother referred to in this story left the country in which they lived and traveled two thousand miles to ​enter college and complete his education. Shortly after his first year in college he was called home because of ​a tragic event in connection with his father's business. Through the machinations of his associates, the father ​was not only forced out of his business, but was the object of false accusations impugning his character and ​integrity. At the same time he was deprived of his rightful share in the equity of the business. The result was ​he found himself largely discredited and almost penniless. It was under these circumstances that the son was ​called home from college.

He returned, his heart filled with one great resolution. He was determined that he would become ​outstandingly successful in business. The first thing he and his father did was to use the little money they had ​to start their own business. They rented a small store on a side street not far from the arge business of which ​the father had been one of the principal owners.

There they started a business bent upon real service to the community. I was shortly after that the son with ​instinctive awareness that it was bound to work, deliberately used imagination to attain an almost fantastic ​objective.

Every day on the way to and from work he passed the building of his father's former business the biggest ​business of its kind in the country. It was one of the largest buildings with the most prominent location in the ​heart of the city. On the outside of the building was a huge sign on which the name of the firm was painted in ​large bold letters. Day after day as he passed by a great dream took shape in the son's mind. He thought of how ​wonderful it would be if it was his family that had this great building— his family that owned and operated ​this great business.

One day as he stood gazing at the building, in his imagination he saw a completely different name on the huge ​sign across the entrance. Now the large letters spelled out his family name (in these case histories actual ​names are not used. For the sake of clarity in this story we will use hypothetical names and assume that the ​son's family name was Lordard) where the sign read F. N. Moth & Co., in imagination he actually saw the name ​letter by let-ter, J. N. Lordard & Sons. He remained looking at the sign with his eyes wide open imagining that ​it read J. N. Lordard & Sons. Twice a day, week after week, month after month for two years he saw his family ​name over the front of that building. He was convinced that if he felt strongly enough that a thing was true it ​was bound to be the case, and by seeing in imagination his family name on the sign, which implied that they ​owned the business, he became convinced that one day they would own it.

During this period he told only one person what he was doing. He confided in his mother who with loving ​concern tried to discourage him in order to protect him from hat might be a great disappointment. Despite ​this he persisted day after day. Two years later the large company failed and the coveted building was up for ​sale. On the day of the sale he seemed no nearer ownership than he had been two years before when he began ​to apply the law of assumption. During this period they had worked hard, and their customers had implicit ​confidence in them.

However, they had not earned anything like the amount of money required for the purchase of the property. ​Nor did they have any source from which they could borrow the necessary capital. Making even more remote ​their chance of getting it was the fact that this was regarded as the most desirable property in the city and a ​number of wealthy business people were prepared to buy it.

On the actual day of the sale, to their complete surprise, a man, almost a total stranger, came into their ​shop and offered to buy the property for them. (Due to some unusual conditions involved in this transaction ​the son's family could not even make a bid for the property.) They thought the man was joking. However, this ​was not the case. The man explained that he had watched them for some time, admired their ability, believed ​in their integrity and that supplying the capital for them to go into business on a large scale was an extremely ​sound investment for him.

That very day the property was theirs. What the son had persisted in seeing in his imagination was now a ​reality. The hunch of the stranger was more than justified. Today this family owns not only the particular ​business referred to but owns many of the largest industries in the country in which they live.

The son, seeing his family name over the entrance of this great building, long before it was actually there, was ​using exactly the technique that produces results. By assuming the feeling that he already had what he ​desired— by making this a vivid reality in his imagination-by determined persistence, regardless of ​appearance or circumstance, be inevitably caused his dream to become a reality.

Increasing Sales Subliminal with Music

Increase Sales Subliminal

Did you know that you can increase your sales by using silent subliminal positive affirmations? This video ​includes positive affirmations written underneath the music as subliminal audio. The subliminals are ​intended to increase your sales in any type of business. Subliminal messages work because they bypass your ​conscious mind so you don't have a chance to argue with the statements. The positive affirmations sink ​directly into your subconscious mind, creating maximum benefit for your sales success.

Listen to this video on LOOP each day. You can also play the video on your computer as you do work. The ​graphics are calming. Let the positive affirmations sink into your subconscious mind and start bringing about ​financial independence in your life by increasing your sales.

These subliminal affirmations work for any type of business or sales goal. The most important component of ​any business transaction is YOU! Your mindset can either draw customers towards you, or make them run ​away from you! Use these subliminal messages to attract the ideal customer to you.

This increasing sales subliminal with music includes positive affirmations written underneath the music as ​subliminal audio.

The subliminals are intended to increase your sales in any type of business. Listen to this video on LOOP each ​day. You can also play the video on your computer as you do work. The graphics are calming. Let the positive ​affirmations sink into your subconscious mind and start bringing about financial independence in your life ​by increasing your sales.

Subliminal Messages Included:

I am so happy and grateful in this moment for all of the sales I am receiving. My products for sale are the ​exact item that my ideal customer is looking for. My designs are beautiful and bring joy to anyone who buys ​my products. My sales are steady from day to day, yet all increasing over time. I am confident in my ability to ​introduce and sell my products to the right people. My ideal customers are looking for a unique products that ​has all the qualities of my product. I help my customers choose the ideal product for them. I take time to quiet ​my mind so I can be inspired with new ideas and actions to take in my business. I am well compensated for a ​job well done. I give off a positive energy to others that makes them want to be around me and want to buy ​from me. I am excellent at booking parties or events where my products can be showcased to people. I am ​open to finding new customers in marketing ways that I have never done before.

The internet algorithms introduce many cold leads to my products and services which convert very well into ​paying customers. I have value to offer others. I am a great salesperson. I set high sales goals for myself each ​month, and I reach those goals with joy and ease. Everything about my business is joyful and fun. If I face a ​challenge, I quiet any non-productive chatter in my mind, and focus on all the positive things that have went ​right lately. During the quiet space I give my mind, I am presented with solutions and ideas that can solve my ​challenges. I am open to looking at unique ways to succeed.

I know that my mindset is the most important thing to my business. I have a positive mindset whenever I am ​working on my business. If I am not in a positive mindset, I will take a walk, go outside in nature, take a nap, ​or eat some healthy food, to get myself back on track. I will not work on my business if I am not in a hopeful ​optimistic mood. My mood is what attracts my customers, and I only want to attract stellar customers, so I ​will only focus on my business when I am at my best. However, I will immediately take an inspired action that ​is presented into my mind when I am in a good mood.

These inspired ideas are direct instructions to success. No matter how odd or silly they may seem at the time, ​I will take one step in the direction of completing that inspired idea. Once there, I will pause and listen for ​more inspired action ideas and take the next step. My successful business if built upon taking one step at ​time. After a while I will be climbing to the peak of the mountain. I surround myself with wonderful positive ​and encouraging people. I listen only to the advice of well meaning positive people who have my best interests ​at heart. I am a valuable member of my team.

I have so much to offer others. I strive to bless others everyday with myself, my energy, my motivation, and ​my wonderful products. I was destined to succeed. My sales are increasing every single day. I love what I do. I ​am so very thankful for the opportunity to do what I love and reach any goals I set for myself.

Here's another great tool to use to increase your sales: It's a video vision board that you can upload ​personalized images and affirmations to create the sales outcomes you desire: https://pospri.me/kim984

#subliminal #subliminalmessages #subliminaltoincreasesales #salessubliminal #subliminalsalessuccess ​#salesaffirmations #saleshypnosis#attractsales#salessubliminal#onlinesalessubliminal sales subliminal ​sales affirmations attract customers subliminal sales booster subliminal sales success subliminal ​affirmations for sales success increase sales subliminal business success subliminal

Money Affirmations

Money Affirmations with Delta Waves for Prosperity

Money Affirmations with Delta Waves for Prosperity Abundance.

This abundance affirmation video uses three different sets of abundance affirmations, one is the right ear, ​one in the left ear, and one in both ears.

The background music is delta waves.

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases. If you ​shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or Amazon ​Gift Card Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account ​http://www.EarnPassiveIncomeDaily.com

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094L22T9V?tag=lawofattractionmoneymanifestations-20

💰This is the Video Vision Board Tool that I use to manifest with pictures, video, and sound! I love it! ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

I Easily and Effortlessly Attract Money

32 Money Affirmations that Work Like Magic

Money Manifestation Affirmations Included in this Video:

I easily and effortlessly attract large sums of money into my life

I AM one with money

I love money and money loves me

I see abundance all around me

Everything is always working out for me

I have an overflow of money in my bank account now

Today I receive an unexpected check in the mail

Every time I leave the house I find money

There is an infinite amount of money in the world and I allow myself to receive it

I can feel money in my hands right now

My bank account is full

My ideal customers are willing to buy my products and services at the prices I ask

Money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways

I give myself permission to do what I love.

Money flows to me when I work on things I’m passionate about.

I am learning the art of surrender.

I love the mysterious ways that money shows up in my life

I can create anything that I can imagine

I make passive income all day long

I AM aligned to receive infinite abundance

Money flows to me easily

My mind is full of money making opportunities

My energy is aligned with the energy of money

I choose to be abundant

Money flows where my energy goes

I focus my attention of the overflow of abundance in my life

I choose to see the good in all things

I AM unique and I have something special to offer the world

I deserve to be wealthy

All my bills are PAID IN FULL

I have plenty of money for amazing experiences in my life

I believe I am created to exist in absolute abundance

I AM called to live my BEST LIFE

Thank You Thank You Thank You for the amazing abundance in my life.

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases. If you ​shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or Amazon ​Gift Card Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account ​http://www.EarnPassiveIncomeDaily.com

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094L22T9V?tag=lawofattractionmoneymanifestations-20

💰This is the Video Vision Board Tool that I use to manifest with pictures, video, and sound! I love it! ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

#money #abundance #moneyaffirmations #moneyaffirmation #lawofattraction #moneyattractingtips ​#moneyattracttion #moneyattraction #moneymindset #moneyquotes #moneyquote #moneysubliminal ​#attractmoney #attractmoneyinlife #moremoney #lawofattractionmoney #lawofattractionmantra ​#lawofattractionquotes #lawofattractionmusic #prosperity #prosperityaffirmations #prosperityaffirmations ​#prosperitymindset #prosperityaffirmation #iam #iamwealthy #iamrich #iamaffirmations #iamaffirmation ​#manifest #manifestmoney #manifestation #manifesting #finance #financialfreedom #manifestations ​#manifestationmondays #cash #cashapp #cashappmoney #goforthandthrive #positivemindset #positivity ​#financialabundance i am rich i am wealthy affirmations #iamrich #iamwealthy

Are You Ready to Increase Your Sales?

Simple Hack to Increase Sales for Your Business

This technological solution will surprise you. It has nothing to do with marketing your business. Yet, it brings ​more customers to you by working on YOU, the business owner. Try this tool for at least 30 days and start ​seeing increased business sales. It only takes 3 minutes per day to start working. Get greater results by using ​it for 15 minutes per day. Don't read your emails or open the store until you watch your session. You will start ​having amazing results.

What is it? A video tool which increases your business sales, improve creativity, team collaboration, ​happiness, joy, gratitude and decreases your stress and anxiety. How? It delivers more than 2000 stunning ​images and 200+ positive affirmations in a single video session. These specially curated photos and positive ​affirmations in the video sessions are scientifically proven to boost your feel good chemicals in your body ​after watching only 3 minutes. And the positive benefits last up to 6-8 hours!!! That's an entire shift! ​Neuroscience meets technological solution!

When you are in a better mood, your mind is actually open to more creative solutions to problems. You see ​new business opportunities. You see a better way to serve your customers that is also more profitable. You ​give off a better energy to your customers, which makes them inclined to buy from you. You collaborate ​better with team members. Your employees enjoy being at work more, which translates into doing their job ​better and making more sales. If your team members watch a short 3-5 minute video session prior to starting ​their shift, they improve in all facets of their job responsibilities. There are numerous ways a simple positive ​psychology session can increase sales for your business.

Your subconscious mind can actually process 11 million bits of information per second. The video player that ​produces the visual session, allows you to control how fast the images play. You can watch all 2000 images in ​a 3 minute timeframe and get the benefit of the entire session without even consciously processing the words ​on the screen. If you play the words this fast, your conscious mind doesn't have time to argue with statements. ​It's like plugging your brain directly into a "get better results" computer code. You don't have to "try harder" or ​"force yourself to improve".

Did you know that when we see someone smiling at us, even if it is just a photo, our body reacts and releases ​feel good chemicals, as if WE were the ones smiling? We mirror what we see. That's how the human body ​works.

The system has sessions preloaded on a variety of topics, like money, success, direct sales, wellness, ​confidence, healing, and more. But the real magic is that you can upload your own photos to be included with ​the sessions. This means you can custom tailor the sessions with photos of anything that you want to create in ​your business. Think of it like a vision board, but in video form. You can add photos of your ideal customers ​making a purchase at your store. Think of your most ideal customer. What products or services do they ​purchase? How much do they purchase? How often do they purchase? Do they pay on time? Create some ​slides or photos that depict this ideal scenario and upload to your sessions.

The positive emotions you have from the session combined with these specific desired outcomes will draw ​these scenarios to you. Whatever thoughts you send out in your mind, is what actually shows up in your life ​and your business. You can literally create whatever you want to achieve in life in photo form first, and your ​subconscious mind will start to piece together the missing components to make sure that outcome is ​achieved. You get better results automatically because your subconscious mind has instructions for a goal to ​achieve. If you don't populate your subconscious mind with any future goals, you will keep getting the same ​results tomorrow that you got today. You have to give your brain instructions for what you want to achieve. ​Then your brain will automatically work to reach your goals and make sure you are successful.


Upload smiling pictures of all your team members if you want a happy workforce. Upload photos of your team ​members collaborating together on a project if you all your team members to work together in harmony ​towards a common goal. Upload photos of your products with text on the graphic that says "Best Seller" or ​"Editor's Pick". Upload photos of the article from the newspaper of when your business won an award or ​recognition.

You should also upload personal photos that make you feel love, joy, or gratitude. Photos of kids or grandkids. ​Photos of your silly pets. Photos of that awesome vacation you took. Photos of personal accomplishments. ​Images of anything that creates a positive emotion. The positive emotions combined with the photos of the ​future goals you want to achieve is what creates your ideal business.

You can actually create your future ideal business with these photos. What is your ideal outcome for this ​business? Do you have a sales target you want to reach? Or a specific goal you want the business to achieve? If ​you actually take the time to sit down and determine what you actually want from your business, you can ​create that outcome. Your abundance in your business comes from the images in your mind.

Whatever we envision in our minds, is what we create in our life. If we don't have a clear picture of where we ​are headed, we will not arrive anywhere. We will simply be subjected to the stressful situations of the day. ​Change the narrative and start visualizing images of what abundance looks like to you.

What is my ideal customer? What do they buy, how much, how often, how do they pay, how do we deliver the ​product/service to them? If you are having a hard time determining your ideal customer, just think of your ​worst customer and write down the opposite qualities. We all have that customer that we cringe when we get ​a call from them. Or a product that we really wish we didn't sell because it's so much work or a hassle or ​whatnot. Get specific about what you want your ideal business to be.

If I want my business to earn $500,000 next year, what do I hope to have in my life when I reach that ​monetary goal? Do I hope that I am able to take an entire day off every week to golf? Then upload a picture of ​a golf course you would like to golf. Do I hope that I will be able to feel more peaceful and not stress about ​paying my employees? Then upload any photo that makes you feel peaceful. Do I hope that my business will ​impact the lives of 10,000 people? Then upload a photo that resonates with that feeling of pride and joy that ​you will have when you reach that goal. The money is not the end goal. The end goal is whatever feeling or ​situation we think that the money will enable us to have. We can upload photos of things that represent this ​same feeling or photos of the situation we are striving to achieve. This will turbo charge our success in ​reaching our goals. A visual representation of our goal + a positive emotion + belief that it will come to pass = ​desired outcome.

This technological solution works for any type of business. Whether you want to learn how to increase sales ​on eBay or Amazon, whether you want to make more sales on Etsy or Instagram. Whether you are trying to ​sell more online or sell more in your retail store. It helps with all of businesses, because it helps change your ​energy. You, the business owner, are the key component to making more sales and increasing abundance in ​your business.

Every successful person in all history has the same thing in common. They EXPECT to succeed. We get what ​we expect. We need to be clear about what we want and have a visual image of it in our mind to achieve our ​goals. This technological solution gives us a powerful shortcut to reach our goals. By combining positive ​psychology with images of your business goals, you can dramatically increase your sales.

Are you ready to use positive psychology neuroscience to increase your business sales?

Get Started Here

Manifest Money with Gratitude

Gratitude Affirmations That Attract More Money

This is a SILENT Subliminal Affirmation Video.

That means that the abundance gratitude affirmations used in the video are at a very low volume that your ​conscious mind can't hear. Your subconscious mind can hear the affirmations. Manifesting Money with ​Gratitude

Gratitude Affirmations Used in this Video:

Thank you, Thank You, Thank You, for my multiple sources of income that come to me easily.

I have many income sources that pay me consistently and regularly.

I am so happy and grateful now that I have numerous passive income sources that pay me an abundance of ​money in a fun and relaxed manner.

I am so thankful for the surprising and delightful ways that money shows up in my life today.

I am so grateful for the wonderful unexpected checks I receive in the mail.

I am so thankful for the daily deposits into my bank account.

I am so happy that I can create income producing assets from a place of joy.

Thank you for all the free time I have in my life.

Thank you for my time freedom; that my money is not tied to a work schedule.

Thank you money coming to me in an easy and relaxed manner.

Thank you that the more joyful I am, the more money flows into my life.

Thank you that I can focus my attention on staying relaxed and joyful.

Thank you that the more I praise you, which lifts my soul, the more in alignment with abundance I am.

Thank you for the beautiful home I live in.

Thank you for my happy and healthy family whom I can share my life with.

Thank you for providing for all my needs.

Thank you for giving me beautiful things in my life so that I can praise you for them.

Thank you for expressing yourself in people’s creativity and the items they create for my enjoyment.

Thank you for partnering with me to enjoy life’s activities.

I am so thankful that all good things are coming into my life for my pure enjoyment.

Like a parent who wants to give their children the best things just to see their face light up with joy.

You like to see my face light up with joy when I get to experience the best things.

I deserve abundance because I am your child and you want the best for me.

You also want to experience life through my hands, my eyes, my feet.

You want to see the beautiful landscapes.

You want to feel the caress of a touch or a hug.

You want to taste the delicious food.

Thank you for allowing me to be a vessel for you to experience all these good things.

Thank you for aligning all the cooperating components into my life so that I may experience the best of ​everything.

Thank you for allowing the person who appreciates beauty to experience all the beautiful things.

Thank you for allowing the person who appreciates good food to experience the delicious food.

Thank you for allowing the person who appreciates the magnificent architecture to live in an architectural ​masterpiece of a home.

Thank you for allowing the person who truly soaks in the beauty of nature to have time and money to travel to ​beautiful locations.

So that we may praise.

So that you may experience.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Thank you that I am now understanding that my desire for riches is in line with your desire to experience all ​good things.

That my desire to have an overflow of abundance is so that I can experience more life.

And help others experience more life.

Thank you for the beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

Thank you for the love and joy in my life.

Thank you for the smile from a stranger.

Thank you for the opportunity to help someone today.

Thank you for the joy I receive when I give to others.

Thank you for the unexpected money I find on the ground.

Thank you for people handing me money.

Thank you for the customers that I have all over the world who buy my products.

Thank you for all my book sales.

Thank you that all my outstanding balances are PAID IN FULL.

Thank you for the overflowing abundance I have in my life.

Thank you for providing an infinite supply of money so that I can take an infinite number of trips to beautiful ​places.

Thank you for always increasing my sources of income in an easy way.

Thank you for always depositing money into my bank account from joyful opportunities.

To praise you and be one with you.

Thank you for enabling me to help others do the same.

Thank you for giving me an infinite number of ways that money can flow into my life.

Thank you for being All There Is.

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases. If you ​shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or Amazon ​Gift Card Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account ​http://www.EarnPassiveIncomeDaily.com

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094L22T9V?tag=lawofattractionmoneymanifestations-20

💰This is the Video Vision Board Tool that I use to manifest with pictures, video, and sound! I love it! ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

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Neville Goddard Success Story

They Manifested an Entire Apartment Complex

Neville Goddard Success Story of thinking from the end.

Using Neville Goddard's Law of Assumption, listen to this success story of how one couple manifested an ​entire apartment complex being built for them with no money of their own put into the real estate ​development project.

Wow, talk about creative financing for real estate deals! Neville Goddard's teaching focus on manifesting ​anything you want in life simply by imaging the end result you desire. By living in the end, in your ​imagination, until you can feel the desired outcome as being REAL. By becoming a state of consciousness ​that embodies the end goal.

💰Neville Goddard's Book Collection - https://amzn.to/3h9gJSS

I love hearing about people's success stories of how they've manifested different things. I also love reading ​about these stories, and one of Neville Goddard's books, *The Law and The Promise*, has a whole collection ​of them. Neville taught—through lectures—how to create and manifest things simply by imagining them in ​your mind. He emphasized specifically imagining from the perspective of the end scene, acting as if you've ​already achieved your desire. In other words, you live in the completed version of what you want to manifest ​from a first-person point of view.

One of the stories in the book is about a doctor and his wife who wanted to build an apartment building on ​the lot next door, but they had no money. They started imagining having this apartment building built with ​no money of their own. I really love this story because my husband and I are into real estate, and what ​amazes me is that they were able to complete the project without spending a penny of their own. Here's their ​story:

For many years, a doctor and his wife dreamed about their stately habitation, but it wasn’t until they ​imaginatively lived in it that it manifested. Here's how it happened:

About 15 years ago, Mrs. M and I purchased a lot where we built a two-story building housing our office and ​living area. We left ample space on the lot for an apartment building, should our finances permit. For years, ​we focused on paying off the mortgage, and by the end of that period, we still had no money for the ​additional building we so desired. We had a good savings account, which was essential for the security of ​our business, but using any part of it for the new building would jeopardize that security.

Then, Neville's teaching introduced us to a new concept, boldly stating that we could have what we most ​desired through the controlled use of our imagination and that money was not essential to realizing that ​desire. We decided to test this, ignoring concerns about money, and focused our attention solely on what ​we wanted most: the new apartment building.

With this principle in mind, we mentally constructed the building as we envisioned it, even drawing up ​physical plans to better visualize the completed structure. We imagined ourselves in the finished, occupied ​building. We took many imaginative trips through our apartment house, rented the units to imaginary ​tenants, examined every room, and felt proud as friends congratulated us on the unique planning.

We even imagined one friend in particular, Mrs. X, whom we hadn’t seen for some time. In our imaginal ​scene, we showed her through the building and asked how she liked it. We distinctly heard her voice say, ​"Doctor, I think it’s beautiful."

One day, while discussing the building, my wife mentioned a contractor who had built several apartment ​houses in our neighborhood. We knew of him only from the signs outside the buildings under construction. ​However, we realized that if we were living in the end, we wouldn’t need to look for a contractor, so we ​dismissed the thought and continued our daily imaginative work, convinced that we had successfully ​merged with our desire.

Several weeks later, a stranger entered our office and introduced himself as the contractor my wife had ​mentioned. He explained that he often passed by our office and wondered why there wasn’t an apartment ​building on the adjacent lot. We explained that we’d love to build, but we had no money, not even enough to ​cover the cost of building plans. This didn’t discourage him. He began devising ways to make it happen, even ​though we didn’t ask or encourage him to do so.

A few days later, the contractor called and said the plans were completed, estimating the building would ​cost us $30,000. We politely thanked him but did nothing. We knew we had been living in the end result—a ​completed building—and believed that imagination would assemble everything without our involvement.

Surprisingly, the contractor called again the next day, saying he had found a set of blueprints that fit our ​needs, which would save us the architect’s fee. Still, we did nothing. Logical thinkers would expect such a ​response to end the matter, but two days later, he called again, informing us that he had found a finance ​company willing to cover the loan, except for a few thousand dollars. Again, we did nothing.

Finally, the contractor came into our office and, as if presenting us with a gift, said, "You’re going to have ​that building anyway. I’ve decided to finance the rest of the loan myself. You can pay me back from the ​rental profits."

This time, we acted. We signed the papers, and construction began immediately. Most of the units were ​rented before completion, and all but one were occupied on the day the building was finished.

The process seemed flawless except for one minor detail: one unit remained unrented. Knowing what we ​had already achieved through the power of imagination, we immediately created a new imaginal scene. This ​time, instead of hearing someone say, “We’ll take it,” we imagined visiting tenants who had already moved ​in, hearing their positive comments.

Three days later, the final unit was rented. Our original imaginary scene manifested in every detail, except ​for one, which became reality when, a month later, Mrs. X visited our building. As we gave her a tour, she ​exclaimed, “Doctor, I think it’s beautiful,” just as we had imagined.

Our 15-year dream had finally materialized, and we realized that it could have been achieved at any time had ​we known the secret of imagining and living in the end of our desire. And the best part? We didn’t spend a ​single penny of our own money.


Dr. M

I just think this story is so amazing. They wanted to build a building but had no money, so they visualized the ​completed project and the tenants already living there. Without spending any money, the contractor and ​financing came to them, making it all happen. It’s such a powerful example of how imagining from the end ​can create reality.

Let me know in the comments: What are you working on right now in your imagination? What are you ​trying to manifest by thinking from the end? I'd love to hear your stories!

Using Law of Assumption to manifest amazing things into your life by thinking from the end. If you are on a ​journey of self improvement, then you will want to hear what Neville Goddard has to say on the topic of ​creating the life you want simply by imaging in your mind the end scene that you want to happen.

Listen to this mindset success story in one of his books, about how imagining the completed desire, and by ​being in that scene, interacting in first person point of view, created the result they desired. Forget the grind ​culture where you are told to hustle and grind every single day with no breaks or relaxation. Learn how to ​harness the power of your mind to create anything you want in your life.

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases. If ​you shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or ​Amazon Gift Card Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account ​http://www.EarnPassiveIncomeDaily.com

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094L22T9V?tag=lawofattractionmoneymanifestations-20

💰This is the Video Vision Board Tool that I use to manifest with pictures, video, and sound! I love it! ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

Happiness Creates Success

The Happy Secret to Better Work | Shawn Achor

Why Happiness Matters

The following is a transcription of the TED talk by Shawn Achor shown in the video above:

"When I was seven years old, and my sister was just five years old, we were playing on top of a bunk bed. I ​was two years older than my sister at the time. I am two years old and then her now, but at the time that ​meant she had to do everything that I wanted to do and I wanted to play war. So we were up on top of our ​bunk beds and on one side of the bunk bed I put out all my GI Joe soldiers and weaponry, and on the other ​side, were all my sisters My Little Ponies and ready for a calvary charge. There are different accounts of ​what actually happened that afternoon, but since my sister is not here with us today. Let me tell you the true ​story, which is my sister's a little bit on the clumsy side and somehow without any help or push from her ​older brother at all. Suddenly Amy disappeared off the top of the bunk bed and landed with this crash on the ​floor. Nervously peering over the side of the bed to see what had befallen my fallen sister and saw that she ​landed painfully on her hands and knees on all fours on the ground.

I was nervous because my parents charged me with making sure that my sister and I played as safely and as ​quietly as possible, and seeing is how I had accidentally broken Amy's arm just one week before heroically ​pushing her out of the way of an oncoming imaginary sniper bullet, for which I have yet to be thanked, I was ​trying as hard as I could. She didn't even see it coming, I was trying as hard as I could to be on my best ​behavior and I saw my sister's faces wail of pain and suffering and surprise, threatening to erupt from her ​mouth and threatening to wake my parents from the long winter's nap for which they had settled, so I ​thought the only thing my little frantic seven year old brain could think to do to avert this tragedy if you ​have children, you've seen this hundreds of times before I said, Amy. Amy Wait Don't cry, don't cry. Did you ​see how you landed? No human lands on all fours like that. Amy, I think you're a unicorn.

Now that was cheating because there's nothing in the world my sister would want more than not to be Amy, ​the hurt five year old little sister, but Amy the special unicorn. Of course this was an option that was open to ​her brain at no point in the past, and you can see, my poor manipulated sister's face conflict as her little ​brain attempted to devote resources to feeling the pain and suffering surprise she just experienced, or ​contemplating her newfound identity as a unicorn, and the latter won. Now instead of crying, instead of ​ceasing our planes of waking my parents with all the negative consequences that would have ensued for me. ​And so a smile spread across her face and she scrambled right back up onto the bunk bed with all the grace ​of the baby unicorn with one broken leg. What we stumbled across at this tender age of just five and seven ​we had no idea at the time, was something that was going to be at the vanguard of a scientific revolution ​occurring .

Two decades later, and the way that we look at the human brain. Well we had stumbled across something ​called positive psychology which is the reason that I'm here today and the reason that I wake up every ​morning. When I first started talking about this research outside of academia with companies and schools, ​the very first thing they said to never do is to start your talk with a graph. The very first thing I want to do is ​start my talk with the graph, this graph looks boring but this graph is the reason that I get excited and wake ​up every morning and this graph doesn't mean anything it's fake data. What we found is if I got this data ​back setting you here in the room I would be thrilled because there's very clearly a trend that's going on ​there and that means that I can get published, which is all that really matters. The fact that there's one weird ​red dot that's up above the curve, there's one weird in the room. You know who you are, I saw you earlier. ​That's no problem. That's no problem as most of you know because I can just delete that dot. I can delete that ​dot because that's clearly a measurement error, and we know that's a measurement error, because it's ​messing up my data.

So one of the very first things we teach people in economics and statistics and business and psychology ​courses is how in a statistically valid way do we eliminate the weirdos, how do we eliminate the outliers, so ​that we can find the line of best fit. Which is fantastic if I'm trying to find out how many Advil the average ​person should be taking, two, but if I'm interested in potential, if I'm interested in your potential for ​happiness or productivity or energy or creativity, all we're doing is recreating the call to the average with ​science. If I ask a question like how fast can the child learn how to read and classroom scientists change the ​answer to how fast does the average child learn how to read in that classroom and then we tailor the class ​right towards the average. Now if you fall below the average on this curve, then psychologists get thrilled, ​because that means you're either depressed, or you have disorder or hopefully both. We're hoping for both ​because our business model is if you come into a therapy session with one problem we want to make sure ​you leave knowing you have 10 to keep coming back over and over again, we'll go back into your childhood ​necessary but eventually, what we want to do is to make you normal again.

But normal is merely average, and what I posit and what positive psychology posits is that we study what is ​merely average we will remain merely average. That step, deleting those positive outliers, what I ​intentionally do is come into a population like this one, and say "Why?". Why is it that some of you are so ​high above the curve in terms of your intellectual voting athletic ability musical ability, creativity, energy ​levels your resiliency in the face of challenge your sense of humor, whatever it is. Instead of deleting you, ​what I want to do is study you. Because maybe we can glean information, not just how to move people up to ​the average, but how we can move the entire average up that our companies and schools worldwide. The ​reason this graph is important to me is when I turn on the news, it seems like the majority of the ​information is not positive. In fact it's negative. Most of it's about murder, corruption diseases natural ​disasters, and very quickly, my brain starts to think that's the accurate ratio of negative positive in the world. ​What that's doing is creating something called the medical school syndrome, which if you know people who ​have been to medical school during the first year of medical training as you read through a list of all the ​symptoms and diseases that could happen, suddenly you realize you have all of them. I have a brother in law ​named Bobo, which is a whole nother story. Bobo, married, Amy the unicorn. Bobo called me on the phone ​from Yale Medical School from Yale Medical School and Bobo said Shawn, I have leprosy, which even at Yale ​is extraordinarily rare, but I had no idea how to console poor Bobo because he had just gotten over an entire ​week of menopause.

See what we're finding is is not necessarily the reality that shapes is the lens through which your brain views ​the world that shapes your reality and we can change the lens, not only can we change your happiness. We ​can change every single educational business outcome at the same time. When I applied to Harvard, I ​applied on a dare. I didn't expect to get into my family had no money for college, when I got a military ​scholarship two weeks later they allow me to go. Suddenly something wasn't even a possibility became ​reality. When I went there and I assumed everyone else would see it as a privilege as well, that they'd be ​excited to be there, even if you're in a classroom full of people smarter than you, you'd be happy just to be in ​that classroom which is what I felt. But what I found there is while some people experienced that when I ​graduated after my four years and then spent the next eight years living in the dorms with the students, ​Harvard asked me to. Wasn't that guy. But what happened. I was an officer of Harvard to counsel students ​through the difficult four years and what I found in my research, my teaching is that the students no matter ​how happy they were with original success of getting into the school, two weeks later the brains were ​focused not on the privilege of being there, nor on their philosophy, or their physics, the brain is focused on ​competition the workload the hassles the stresses the complaints.

When I first went in there I walked into the freshman dining hall which is where my friends from Waco, ​Texas, which is where I grew up, I know some of you've heard of it. When I, when they come to visit me they ​look around, they say this freshman dining hall looks like something of Hogwarts movie Harry Potter, ​which does this Hogwarts movie Harry Potter and that's Harvard when they see this, they say, Shawn. Why ​do you waste your time studying happiness at Harvard seriously, what does the Harvard student possibly ​have to be unhappy about? Embedded within that question is the key to understanding the science of ​happiness, because what that question assumes is that our external world is predictive of our happiness ​levels.

When in reality, if I know everything about your external world. I can only predict 10% of your long term ​happiness 90% of your long term happiness is predicted not by the external world but by the way your brain ​processes the world. And if we change it, if we change our formula for happiness and success. What we can ​do is change the way that we can then affect reality. What we found is that only 25% of jobs successes are ​predicted by IQ. 75% of jobs successes are predicted by your optimism levels, your social support and your ​ability to see stress as a challenge, instead of as a threat.

I talked to a boarding school up in New England, probably the most prestigious boarding school and they ​said we already know that. So every year, instead of just teaching our students. We also have a Wellness ​Week and we're so excited Monday night with the world's leading expert coming in to speak about ​adolescent depression Tuesday night school violence and bullying Wednesday night, Wednesday nights ​eating disorders Thursday nights Alyssa took us a Friday night we're trying to decide to brisky sex or ​happiness. I said That's most people's Friday nights, which I'm glad you liked, but they did not like that at all ​silence on the phone and into the silence. I said I'd be happy to speak to your school but just you know that's ​not a Wellness Week, that's a sickness week. What you've done is you've outlined all the negative things ​that can happen but not talked about the positive, the absence of disease is not health, here's how we get to ​health, we need to reverse the formula for happiness and success.

In the past three years I've traveled to 45 Different countries working with schools and companies, in the ​midst of an economic downturn. And what I found is most companies and schools follow a formula for ​success, which is this, if I work harder, I'll be more successful. And if I'm more successful, then I'll be ​happier that undergirds most of our parenting styles or managing styles, the way that we motivate our ​behavior. And the problem is, it's scientifically broken and backwards for two reasons. First, every time your ​brain has a success, you just change the goalposts of what success look like. You got good grades, now you ​have to get better grades. Gone to a good school in Africa better school. You got a good job, now you have to ​get better job. You hit your sales target, we're gonna change your sales target. And if happiness is on the ​opposite side of success, your brain never gets there.

What we've done is we've pushed happiness over the cognitive horizon as a society, and that's because we ​think we have to be successful, then we'll be happier. But the real problem is our brains work in the opposite ​order. If you can raise somebody's level of positivity in the present, then their brain experiences what we ​now call a Happiness Advantage, which is your brain, positive performs significantly better than does, ​negative, neutral stress. Your intelligence rises, your creativity rises, your energy levels rise. In fact what we ​found is that every single business outcome, improves your brain a positive is 31% more productive than ​your brain and negative, neutral stress, you're 37% better at sales, doctors are 19% faster, more accurate at ​coming up with the correct diagnosis when positive instead of negative, neutral stress which means we can ​reverse the format. If we can find a way of becoming positive and the present, then our brains work even ​more successfully, as we're able to work harder faster and more intelligently. When we need to be able to do ​is to reverse this formula so we can start to see what our brains are actually capable of because dopamine ​which floods into your system when you're positive as to functions. Not only does it make you happier, it ​turns on all the learning centers in your brain, allowing you to adapt to the world in a different way.

We found that there are ways you can train your brain to be able to come more positive in just a two minute ​span of time, done for 21 days in a row, we can actually rewire your brain, allowing your brain to actually ​work. More optimistically, and more successfully. We've done these things and research now in every ​single company that I've worked with, getting them to write down three new things that they're grateful for ​for 21 days in a row three new things each day, and at the end of the day, their brain starts to retain a pattern ​of scanning the world not for the negative but for the positive. First journaling about one positive experience ​you've had over the past 24 hours, allows your brain to relive it exercise teaches your brain, your behavior ​matters. We find that Meditation allows your brain to get over the cultural ADHD that we've been creating, ​by trying to do multiple tasks at once, allows our brains to focus on the task at hand.

And finally, random acts of kindness or conscious acts of kindness, we get people, when they open up their ​inbox to write one positive email praising or thanking somebody in their social support network, and by ​doing these activities, and by training your brain just like we train our bodies. What we found is we could ​reverse the formula for happiness and success, and in doing so, not only create ripples of positivity, but ​create a real revolution. Thank you very much."

~Shawn Achor, positive psychology researcher

Gratitude Abundance Affirmations

I AM Grateful Abundance Affirmations

I AM Blessed Abundance Affirmations

Different affirmations are played in different ears, as follows:

Affirmations in the RIGHT EAR: I am thankful for my multiple sources of income that come easily and ​effortlessly. I have many income sources that pay me consistently and regularly. I am so happy and grateful ​now that I have numerous passive income streams that give me an abundance of money in a fun and relaxed ​manner. I am thankful for the surprising and delightful ways that money shows up in my life. I am grateful ​for the unexpected checks I receive in the mail. I am thankful for the daily deposits into my bank account. I ​am happy that I can create income producing assets from a place of joy. I am thankful for all the free time I ​have in my life. I am grateful that my money is not tied to a specific work schedule, but rather I can work ​when I feel inspired to create. I am blessed that money comes to me in an easy and relaxed manner. I am ​grateful that the more joyful I am, the more money flows into my life. I am blessed that I can focus my ​attention on staying relaxed and happy. I am grateful I am depositing money into my bank account from ​creative endeavors. I am happy to help others create abundance in their lives too.

Affirmations in the LEFT EAR: I am thankful that the I am in alignment with abundance. I am blessed for the ​beautiful home I live in. I am grateful for my happy and healthy family whom I can share my life with. I am ​happy to have all my needs met. I am thankful for all the beautiful things in my life. I am grateful for my ​creativity and ability to express it. I am happy to enjoy life’s activities. I am thankful that all good things that ​are in my life. I am lucky to see beautiful landscapes. I am blessed to feel the caress of a touch or a hug. I am ​thankful for delicious food. I am grateful to experience all these good things. I am blessed to have all the ​cooperating components into my life aligned so that I may experience the best of everything. I am thankful ​for the unexpected money I find on the ground. I am blessed to have people sending me money. I am ​blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed.

Affirmations in BOTH EARS: I am blessed that I am now understanding that my desire for riches is in line ​with my infinite abundant nature. That my desire to have an overflow of abundance is so that I can ​experience more life. And help others experience more life. I am so thankful for the beautiful sunrises and ​sunsets. I am grateful for the love and joy in my life. I am blessed with the smiles from strangers. I am so ​thankful to have the opportunity to help someone today. I am grateful for the joy I receive when I give to ​others. I am so lucky to have customers all over the world who buy my products. I am grateful for all my ​book sales. I am happy that all my outstanding balances are PAID IN FULL. I am extremely blessed with ​overflowing abundance in my life. I am thankful that I have access to an infinite supply of money so that I ​can take an unlimited number of trips to beautiful places. I am thankful to be always increasing my sources ​of income in an easy way. I am thankful to be one with all. I am so blessed with infinite number of ways that ​money can flow into my life. I am so grateful for experiencing All There Is.

#iamgrateful #iamblessed #affirmations #affirmationsforwealth #affirmationsmorning ​#abundanceaffirmations #abundanceaffirmation #abundancemindset #affirmationsformoney ​#affirmationsforabundance #affirmationsforeveryday #gratitiudeaffirmations #gratitude ​#gratitudeattitude #gratituteaffirmations #thankfulandblessed #thankfulandgrateful i am grateful ​affirmations i am blessed affirmations gratitude affirmations thankful affirmations blessing affirmations I ​am so happy and grateful Bob Proctor affirmations Marissa Peer affirmations Abraham Hicks affirmations ​Bob Proctor money affirmation gratitute affirmations i am bless affirmations i am so happy and grateful ​affirmations i am thankful affirmations abundance affirmations gratitude abundance affirmations i am ​grateful i am blessed thankful and grateful gratitude meditation 10 minutes morning gratitude meditation ​abundance gratitude affirmations abundance gratitude meditation

She Manifested $20,000 Quickly

How Do I Manifest Money?

There are so many different ways to manifest money. From listening to money affirmations and ​subliminals, to writing and scripting money into your life, to meditating or relaxing into a quiet state and ​feeling the abundance of money. One manifestor recounts a story to Abraham Hicks on how she ​manifested $20,000 quickly and easily.

She told the story about how one day she lightheartedly said "I'd like to receive $20,000. Wouldn't that be ​fun?". She was very upbeat and lighthearted with her money manifestation request.

Then a few weeks later, she got a letter in the mail. The letter was from a company she had worked for 20 ​years earlier, and it said she had a pension fund with the company and asking her if she would she like to ​cash it out with a lump sum payment? She had no idea that she had a pension fund with this company, or ​that money was sitting in an account for her. The letter went on to say that if she was over 59 1/2 years old, ​she would be able to withdraw the money without incurring any penalties. Since the account was a type of ​retirement account, if you withdraw the money sooner than that, you incur a penalty fee. Well, she had just ​turned 59 1/2 a few days prior! What are the chances of that? So their would be no penalty for her to take out ​a lump sum payment. She had NO IDEA that she even had this account from an old job. It was money that ​was just waiting to find her!

So she filled out the paperwork

and received the lump sum payment check for $22,000!

She said that the most interesting thing about the manifestation was how EASY it was. That she was really ​just sitting out on her back patio at her country home and with a very lighthearted attitude. She just said ​"Wouldn't it be nice to get $20,000! That would be fun!"

And that was it. Just a thought that she expressed. And those those turned into a money manifestation ​success story for her.

Cooperating components came together with law of attraction and her asking was met with something out ​there in the world that matched her desire. More than $20,000 sitting in an account, waiting to be given ​directly to her.

Abraham's response was that she also had to be in the right attitude to receive the money, as some people ​might not even open a piece of mail like that. Others may even consider it to be "junk mail" and throw it ​away. Others would simply never fill out the paperwork. So there are opportunities all around us to receive ​money IF we are in a "receiving mode".

How Do You Manifest Money?

Do you believe that money can just come to you "Out of the Blue"? If you don't have an attitude that it could ​happen to you, then you will not be in the receiving mode and it won't happen to you. Being in the receiving ​mode means that you are being in the vibe of thoughts / emotions / assumptions / beliefs that are in the ​same essence of the thing you are wanting to receive. In this example, she was in the essence of asking for ​and receiving $20,000. She was open to manifesting money. She was lighthearted about it. She wasn't ​stressed about the money. She wasn't in a state of need or desperation for the money.

If your thoughts and emotions are in a state of desperation for money, you are in the vibration of LACK. And ​if you have your TV channel turned to the station of LACK, or the absence of money, then that's all you can ​see and hear. That's the channel you are on. You must BE on the channel, on the frequency of joyfully ​receiving $20,000 in order to get $20,000. If you think that it is completely impossible the manifest ​abundance, then for you, it will be impossible. If you have an expectation that money comes to you quickly ​and easily, then money will come to you quickly and easily.

I like to read and hear other people's manifesting success stories, because if it can happen to other people, ​then it can happen to me too! It gives me confidence that it IS POSSIBLE and IT DOES HAPPEN! Just start ​reading and listening to manifestation success stories, and just tell yourself "That can happen to me too!"

One couple manifested an entire apartment complex without spending ANY of their own money.

If you would like a beautiful journal to write your money manifestation stories in, check out my money ​manifestation journal on Amazon.

Inspirational Quotes

Money Affirmations That Will Change Your Life

Prosperity & Abundance Affirmations

Listen to these money and prosperity affirmations to help reprogram your mind into one that attracts money ​to you.

There are three different sets of affirmations, one in the left ear, one in the right ear, and one in both ears.

There is also upbeat positive music in the background.

I hope this affirmation set is uplifting and fun to listen to.

How to Manifest a Beach House

Manifest Beach House Subliminal Affirmations

Manifest a beach house with these beach life subliminal affirmations. The powerful beach subliminal ​messages are written underneath the calm beach waves music. This video uses law of attraction to manifest a ​beach house. Our minds think in visual images, so if we want to manifest a beachfront condo or home, we ​need to have a visual picture in our mind of exactly what we want. We need to be able to close our eyes, and ​feel like we are on the beach enjoying our new home. Feel the salty air on your face as the wind blows your ​hair. Hear the seagulls chirping. Feel the water on your feet and you relax in your beach chair. Immerse ​yourself in the image of what your new abundant life on the beach feels like. Picture in your mind the ​beautiful ocean views and beach scenery. The visual images combined with the feelings of yourself relaxing ​on the beach is what helps to manifest your beach house. You could also use this video to manifest your ​dream beach vacation!

I have added the following silent subliminal messages to this video to help you buy your beach property ​faster.

Powerful Subliminals: "I have a beautiful beach house right on the water. The ocean waves are relaxing me. I ​can feel the white sand on my toes as I sit and enjoy a drink while watching the tide come in. I am at peace on ​the beach. I love sitting on the beach and relaxing. My new beach house has big open windows that face the ​ocean. I can see the aqua blue water from inside my new dream house. I am open to getting the beach house ​in ways other than buying it. I might win the grand prize of a sweepstakes which is a brand new beach condo. ​I might inherit a beach property. I may be asked to purchase the beach house with a group of people, ​lowering my actual cost of buying the beach house. I may suddenly come into money which allows me to ​have a down payment for the beach house. I love my new beach property. It is perfect for me and my family. It ​is large enough to have family gatherings, but small enough to be able to easily keep up with the ​maintenance of the property. We have wonderful neighbors and the beach community is wonderful. We are ​able to surf, relax in the hammock, fish, and enjoy the water year around. This beach home is a dream come ​true."

Positive Affirmations to Share on Pinterest

Online Sales Subliminal

Increase Online Sales Subliminal

This is a silent subliminal, that means the affirmations to increase your online sales are written quietly. So ​quietly that your conscious mind can’t hear them, but they are there. Your subconscious mind can still pick ​them up, but your conscious mind won’t argue with the affirmations. So sit back and relax and fill your mind ​with affirmations that will help increase your online sales.

Silent Subliminals Included:

Today is a great day. Today I am making sales in my online business. I am creating unique products that ​others are looking to buy. If I have an idea in my mind of what to create, it is because someone else is wanting ​to buy that product. I follow my intuition and create things when I have the inspiration to do so. I love being ​able to sell online. My customers can be all over the world, yet still buy from me. My online sales are ​increasing every single day. I am selling more and more online. I am grateful for the ability to have a ​business online. More and more abundance is coming into my life. I am living my ideal life. My online sales ​allow me to enjoy the life that I want. I am divinely abundant in all I do. My online sales are increasing. I am ​selling more and more each day. I am learning new ways to market my products. My ideal customer is drawn ​to my online store.

Everything is always working out for me. My customers find exactly what they were looking for when they ​see my products. My customers order multiple products and leave stellar reviews online about my products. ​My business is thriving. I expect to succeed and therefore I do. I know that my mindset is the most important ​thing in maintaining a profitable and successful online business. I expect to have sales. I love the freedom ​that my online business provides me. Many blessings are coming my way. I am divinely guided to unique ​ways to make my business successful. I bless others with my products. My business continues to grow and ​grow. When I think about my business I am hopeful and optimistic. Yes, I am successful. I am making more ​and more online sales each day. I am free to spend my time however I want to. I help others increase their ​business sales too.

People are brought into my life to collaborate with me at the exact time I need someone to help. I accept the ​help that is brought to me. Everything is always working out for me. I have fun in my business. I am selling ​more and more. I am making a nice profit. I am learning how to bless others with my success. I am the author ​of my money story. I can make my life anything that I want it to be. I am free. I rest in divine harmony. I tap ​into the abundant flow of money. My products sell themselves. I take time to dream about the success that I ​want. I am grateful for how far I have come in my business. And optimistic about where my business is ​heading. I rise up to meet challenges. I express gratitude every day.

Thank you thank you thank you for all these online sales. I am selling more and more every day.

These subliminals repeat twice during the video. You can set the video to "loop" and listen to it while you ​sleep for best results. Listen daily and watch your online sales increase over time.

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Large Sums of Money Come to Me

Silent Money Subliminal

Large Sums of Money Come to Me - SILENT Money Subliminal Affirmations #moneysubliminal

This is a SILENT subliminal. The words are so quiet you can't hear them, but your subconscious can hear ​them.

The affirmations are as follows:

I love receiving large sums of money.

I love receiving large amounts of money.

I love receiving large amounts of cash.

I am excited to see large amounts of money coming to me.

I am excited to be receiving large amounts of money.

I love the feeling of money pouring into my life.

I consistently receive large amounts of money.

I easily receive large amounts of money.

Large amounts of money comes to me quickly.

I often receive unexpected checks in the mail.

I often receive free gifts from people.

I often find unexpected deposits in my bank account.

Money loves coming to me.

I use money wisely and always make it multiply for the benefit of everyone.

Money comes to me quickly and easily.

Money always finds it way to me.

People gift me large sums of money.

I can have as much money as I want.

My cup runneth over.

Subliminal Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?​list=PL3iyekMlRSzhrrnGgLDiBFBn5LBtQNW2e&feature=shared

If you LOVE positive affirmations, you'll love this digital vision board that's scientifically proven to get results: ​https://pospri.me/kim984

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Neville Goddard Explained

Increase Your Income from $2,000 to $10,000

Neville Goddard Steps to Manifest Money - This is How I Manifest Anything Manifesting Better

Let's talk about how to manifest money using the techniques of assuming the wish fulfilled by Neville ​Goddard by assuming a new consciousness.

I've been reading a lot of Neville Goddard's books and writings, and he teaches how to manifest by imagining ​the wish fulfilled or imagining the end scene. When you can become, in your consciousness, the person of ​where you want to be or what you want to achieve, at that point, you manifest.

I was reading in *Your Faith is Your Fortune*, and a couple of things really hit me. I’m going to read this ​passage and then talk about it:

"You cannot serve two masters or opposing states of consciousness at the same time. Taking your attention ​from one state and placing it upon the other, you die to the one from which you have taken it, and you live ​and express the one to which you are united.

Man cannot see how it would be possible to express that which he desires to be by so simple a law as ​acquiring the consciousness of the thing desired. The reason for this lack of faith on the part of man is that he ​looks at the desired state through the consciousness of his present limitations. Therefore, he naturally sees it ​as impossible to accomplish.

One of the first things man must realize is that it is impossible, in dealing with the spiritual law of ​consciousness, to put new wine in old bottles or new patches on old garments. That is, you cannot take any ​part of the present consciousness into the new state, for the state sought is complete in itself and needs no ​patching.

Every level of consciousness automatically expresses itself. To rise to the level of any state is to automatically ​become the state in expression, but in order to rise to the level that you are not now expressing, you must ​completely drop the consciousness with which you are now identified. Until your present consciousness is ​dropped, you will not be able to rise to another level."

What really hit me is that a lot of times, we think we're changing from our current state and improving as we ​go toward where we want to be. For example, let’s talk in terms of money: let’s say we’re making $2,000 a ​month in our business or whatever we’re doing, but we want to be making $10,000 a month. We tend to ​think we need to improve gradually, like going from $2,000 to $3,000, $4,000, or $5,000. We focus on the ​fact that we’re making $2,000 a month and that’s where we are, while wanting to be at $10,000 a month.

What Neville is saying is that we have to drop everything about our current consciousness— the you that is ​making $2,000 a month, the business owner or employee who identifies with earning $2,000 a month. You ​have to completely remove that identity from your mind if you want to assume the state of "I earn $10,000 a ​month" or "I receive $10,000 a month."

You cannot merge the two consciousnesses; it has to be one or the other. As Neville says, "You cannot serve ​two masters or opposing states of consciousness at the same time." To go from $2,000 to $10,000, it's not a ​sliding scale. We’re taught to think that we progress in a linear manner, getting small raises, or that our sales ​increase little by little. But what Neville teaches is that you simply assume your wish fulfilled. If your wish ​fulfilled is making $10,000 a month, you jump to that consciousness, forgetting the old one. You no longer ​believe in the old state; you only take on the consciousness of "I create or make $10,000 a month."

Neville goes on to explain how to do this. To accomplish this seemingly impossible feat, you take your ​attention away from your problem (what you're currently earning) and place it on just being. You say silently ​but feelingly, "I am." You do not condition this awareness but continue quietly declaring, "I am, I am."

When he says not to condition this awareness, he means that "I am" encompasses all creation, all ​possibilities. Right now, you are a person, say, like me—Kim—making $2,000 a month. That’s the reality I've ​chosen from among infinite possibilities, and in doing so, I’ve rejected all other possibilities.

What we need to do is remove that condition—the one where we only make $2,000 a month. Go back to the ​awareness of "I am," which is a state of being where infinite possibilities exist. From there, you can choose a ​new state. Simply declare, "I am." Feel yourself faceless and formless, continuing in this state until you feel as ​though you are floating.

This "floating" is a psychological state where you completely deny the physical. Through practice, you can ​develop a state of consciousness of pure receptivity. In this state of complete detachment, a singleness of ​purpose can be engraved upon your unmodified consciousness. This is the necessary state for true ​meditation.

In this formless state, you can then mold yourself into the new state you desire. For example, you can now be ​someone who makes $10,000 a month. This experience of "floating" is a signal that you’ve removed yourself ​from your old state—the one making $2,000 a month—and you are now present with the Lord, or the ​consciousness of infinite possibility.

When you reach this expanded state, give form to your new desire. In this example, it would be seeing ​yourself as the person making $10,000 a month. Visualize it however it works for you, such as seeing a ​deposit in your bank account or flipping through a calendar where each month shows a $10,000 payday. You ​must drop your old self completely to create the new version of yourself.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the process for you!

"In order to rise to the level that you are NOT now expressing, you must COMPLETELY DROP the ​consciousness with which you are now identified. Until your present consciousness is dropped you ​will not be able to rise to another level." ~Neville Goddard

For more Neville Goddard and Law of Assumption discussion, I recommend listening to: Elmer O Locker Jr, ​Edward Art, Endless Bliss with Gabriel & Kylie, Joseph Alai, and TwentyTwenty! There is so much free ​content on Youtube to help you manifest the life of your dreams! This is how I manifest anything Neville ​Goddard how to get anything you want

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Online Sales Affirmations

Affirmations to Make Money Online

Online Sales Affirmations | Make Money Online Affirmations Online Business Success #goforthandthrive

Today is a great day. Today I am making sales in my online business. I am creating unique products that ​others are looking to buy. If I have an idea in my mind of what to create, it is because someone else is ​wanting to buy that product. I follow my intuition and create things when I have the inspiration to do so. I ​love being able to sell online. My customers can be all over the world, yet still buy from me. My online sales ​are increasing every single day. I am grateful for the ability to have a business that can sell products to ​customers all over the world. More and more abundance is coming into my life.

I am living my ideal life. My internet sales that happen 24 7 allow me to enjoy the life that I want. I am ​divinely abundant in all I do. My online sales are increasing. I am selling more and more each day. I am ​learning new ways to market my products. My ideal customer is drawn to my website. Everything is always ​working out for me. My customers find exactly what they were looking for when they see my products. My ​customers order multiple products and leave stellar five star reviews. My business is thriving. I am selling ​more and more each day. I expect to succeed and therefore I do.

I KNOW that my mindset is the most important thing in maintaining a profitable and successful online ​business. I EXPECT to have sales.

I EXPECT to attract amazing customers who appreciate the products and services that I offer.

I EXPECT to have month over month revenue growth.

I EXPECT to be blessed with wonderful employees who share in my vision for my business.

I EXPECT to easily and effortlessly make many online sales.

I love the freedom that my online business provides me. Many blessings are coming my way. I am divinely ​guided to unique ways to make my business successful. I bless others with my products. My business ​continues to grow and grow. When I think about my business I am hopeful and optimistic. Yes, I AM ​successful. I am making more and more online sales each day. I am free to spend my time however I want to. ​I help others increase their business sales too.

People are brought into my life to collaborate with me at the exact time I need someone to help. I accept the ​help that is brought to me. Everything is always working out for me. I have fun in my business. I am selling ​more and more. I am making a nice profit. I am learning how to bless others with my success. I am the ​author of my money story. I can make my life anything that I want it to be. I am free. I rest in divine ​harmony. I tap into the abundant flow of money.

My products sell themselves. I take time to dream about the success that I want. I am grateful for how far I ​have come in my business. And optimistic about where my business is heading. I rise up to meet challenges. ​I express gratitude every day. Thank you thank you thank you for all these online sales. I am selling more ​and more every day.

💰 Here's an online sales SUBLIMINAL version with music. The affirmations are silent in this video - ​https://youtu.be/6PnoJ3Jz5RI

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰 Positive Affirmations Coloring Book https://amzn.to/4c6ST1D

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

💰FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE BLESSING💰 If you would like me to add your name to my daily abundance ​blessing list, send $1 or more to my CashApp: $Thrive520M When you send the money, set a specific ​intention that the money you are sending out will come back to you multiplied exponentially. I send ​blessings for financial abundance to everyone on this list DAILY!!!

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Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Subliminal

Personal Finance Success Manifestation Subliminal

Listen to this silent subliminal message video about the key points of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill ​on the topic of the brain being the broadcasting and receiving station.

The subliminals are quietly placed beneath the calming ambient background music, so you will not hear ​them. This is designed to allow them to permeate your subconscious mind without arguments from your ​conscious mind.

The subliminals are stated as follows:

The Brain is a Broadcasting and Receiving Station for Thought Principles of Think and Grow Rich by ​Napoleon Hill Like a radio station, my brain is both a broadcasting and receiving station for the vibration of ​thought.

My brain is capable of picking up vibrations of thought which are being released by other brains.

Positive emotions increase the ability of the brain to receive ideas.

Positive emotions also increase brain’s ability to broadcast thoughts into the subconscious mind.

Once in the subconscious mind the brain carries out the instructions like a computer program.

I use my creative imagination to receive ideas and plans from others’ brains.

My brain responds the same way to real and imagined situations.

I receive actual possibilities when I use my imagination; they are not just fictional scenarios.

My imagination is not dreaming impossible dreams, it is actual receiving choices of paths I could follow. ​When I daydream, I am receiving roadmaps for avenues that I didn’t even know existed.

I influence my vibrations by my emotions (energy in motion).

What I mentally broadcast determines what I receive.

What my subconscious computer program is broadcasting is what shows up in my life.

If I don’t like what is showing up in my life, I need to rewrite the computer code of my subconscious mind.

If I am complaining, it is an outward sign that I have a negative subconscious belief about that issue.

If I am complaining, I need to rewrite my computer code around that topic.

I add positive thoughts plus happy emotions and beliefs about the best scenario around that topic.

Divine infinite intelligence always finishes successfully- I communicate my positive thought vibrations with ​emotions of faith and enthusiasm.

The creative imagination is the “receiving set” of the brain.

I receive ideas.

My brain is connected to every other brain through vibrational energy I attract the objects of my desire into ​my life.

What you attract is what you vibrate.

My imagination receives vibrations of thought picked up by the ether.

Imagination is the workshop of the mind.

My brain picks up thought vibrations released by others.

I understand how to use my physical brain as a broadcasting and receiving station for thought .

I intuitively know how to tune into the thoughts of others.

I have access to infinite intelligence.

My powerful brain is the connection between the physical and spiritual.

I train my mind to receive the thoughts of others.

Take inspired action when you receive an idea or hunch.

What I broadcast to the world is what comes back to me in physical form.

The “What if we did this…” ideas are not creating by us, but received by us.

I am open to receiving knowledge and expertise beyond my own experience in life.

I am open to making quiet time to allow imaginative ideas to be received.

I am open to acting quickly on my inspired ideas.

I realize that an inspired idea I receive may only be a quick flash into my mind.

I give great importance and priority to these flashes of inspiration, even though these seem random and I ​may not know how I am going to implement the action that was inspired.

I put myself into a positive mood first, by thinking about things that make me smile, or doing activities that ​make me smile, then I sit down and quiet my mind and listen for an inspired action.

I may present my desired goal to my subconscious and specifically ask my subconscious to present to me ​plans for how I need to enact this.

I decide in my mind first, the end goal I have, and I act as if it has already came to pass in the physical realm.

I exhibit the emotion of having met the desired outcome.

Only then will my subconscious mind present me with the plans and roadmap that needs to be followed to ​arrive at the destination in the physical realm.

If I can receive ideas and knowledge from other’s brains, then I should be picky about who I am around. ​People who give off a “good vibe” are people whom I should surround myself with.

I always have a notebook with me to write down my inspired idea, as they will enter my mind in a flash, and ​be gone from my conscious mind just as quickly as it arrived.

If I do not write down and act upon these flashes of inspiration, I can not reach my desired outcome,

These flashes of inspiration are the steps to follows to reach my desired outcome,

Subliminal Messages Created and Embedded with MindZoom Subliminal Software: https://94be1zg-​qcvaiadblhrrslzm7b.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=GOFORTHANDTHRIVE

Powerful Increase Income Subliminal

Make More Money Subliminal

Increase Income Subliminal - Powerful Money Subliminal Affirmations

The subliminals are underneath the music. Your subconscious mind can hear them. So just relax and listen ​to the music.

The powerful money affirmations are as follows:

We always have excess income.

We bring in more money than we spend every single month.

It doesn’t matter how much fun adventures we go on, we always have enough money to pay for them.

We love discussing money making opportunities.

Everything we touch turns to gold.

We have amazing and profitable opportunities presented to us.

We always pay off any outstanding balances in full every month.

Our income increases every single month.

We work half the time and make twice the money.

We are blessed with amazing and profitable financial deals.

We are blessed with increased earnings in the stock market every time prices of everyday products increase. ​We are open to receiving ideas, instructions, and solutions that give us profitable financial opportunities ​every single day.

Our energy is aligned with abundance in all areas.

We are so blessed.

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We Always Have Excess Income Subliminal

Excess Income Silent Subliminal

This is a SILENT Subliminal with NO MUSIC.

The money affirmations are written quietly, but your subconscious can still hear them. Listen with ​headphones if possible.

The prosperity affirmations are as follows:

We always have excess income.

We bring in more money than we spend every single month.

It doesn’t matter how many fun adventures we go on, we always have enough money to pay for them.

We love discussing money making opportunities.

Everything we touch turns to gold.

We have amazing and profitable opportunities that seem to show up out of the blue.

We always pay off any outstanding balances in full every month.

We work half the time and make twice the money.

We are blessed with amazing and profitable financial deals.

Our income is always increasing.

We are blessed with increased earnings in the stock market every time prices of everyday products increase. ​We are open to receiving ideas, instructions, and solutions that give us profitable financial opportunities. ​Our energy is aligned with abundance in all areas.

We are so blessed.

We always have more than enough money flowing into our lives.

Our cup runneth over.

We receive more than we need.

We have an overflow of abundance in our lives.

Money comes easily into our lives.

We attract a boatload of money every month.

It is amazing to see all the ways money shows up in our lives.

Our abundance is always increasing.

We always have excess income.

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases If ​you shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or ​Amazon Gift Card Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account ​http://www.EarnPassiveIncomeDaily.com

💰If you would like to make your own subliminal videos or audios, see my tutorial video here: ​https://youtu.be/bT9w6AZ424M

💰Or you can directly access the subliminal software here: https://94be1zg-​qcvaiadblhrrslzm7b.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=GOFORTHANDTHRIVE

💰Subliminal Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?​list=PL3iyekMlRSzhrrnGgLDiBFBn5LBtQNW2e&feature=shared

I Deserve Abundance

Abundance Positive Affirmations


I stand in my right to be abundant and have the BEST life I deserve abundance because I AM.

I AM an extension of ALL THAT IS and therefore my right to abundance is written into the very code of my ​cells.

Just as the grass continues to grow, and the crops continue to create a bountiful harvest, in my natural state, I ​AM abundant.

I deserve THE BEST simply because I AM a life form that exists.

A life form created from infinite abundance.

My body started as one single cell, and it multiple and expanded and thrived and now I AM me.

My very existence is evidence of my natural state of abundance.

My body naturally grows and naturally heals itself.

The very fabric of my being is healing and growth and abundance.

There is nothing to prove or justify.

I do not need actions or hard work to justify my self worth.

I am valuable just because I AM me.

A living breathing being created by ALL THAT IS.

I claim the BEST for my life.

I claim my right to abundance.

I claim my right to receive in an easy and relaxed manner.

I AM abundant.

I AM the extension of the very abundance that I seek.

All I have to do is ALLOW myself to BE.

In my true spirit I AM already abundant.

My worth is intrinsic in the cells of my body.

In the energy of my spirit.

I AM abundant because I AM ONE with ALL.

Everyone deserves to live their BEST LIFE.

I deserve to live my best life.

I deserve to have an infinite amount of income.

I deserve to have a beautiful home I love.

I deserve to enjoy my daily activities.

I deserve to spend time on things I’m passionate about.

I deserve to go on fun adventures.

I deserve to have a healthy lean body.

I deserve to feel safe.

I deserve to feel fulfilled.

I deserve happiness.

I deserve joy.

I deserve bliss.

I deserve peace.

I deserve to have wonderful relationships.

I deserve to have LOVE.


I AM abundant.

I deserve all good things.

I deserve abundance, because I AM abundance.

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How to Manifest Anything Using Scripting

Scripting Manifesting Techniques

How to Manifest Anything using Scripting - manifestation scripting methods #scriptingtechnique #scripting ​#manifestation

I have a lot of affirmation and subliminal message affirmation videos on my channel, but what also really ​works for me is scripting. And scripting is basically just journaling, but writing out the manifestation that you ​want to have happen in your life, but more in a past tense. Like it's already done.

So in a normal journal you would you maybe write like a diary, like what happened in the day, or things going ​on with you. And it's all stuff that you're thinking about. Things that happened. And with scripting, you're ​taking your goals and your dreams for your life, and you're writing that down as if it happened today. So you ​basically are like scripting almost like if you were writing a play or a movie script. You just write down what ​you want to have happen.

And I actually when I script, if I go back and look in the past of things I have written down, there are a ton of ​things that actually come true in the future. Things I've forgotten that I even wrote down. And then later I'll ​be flipping through my journal and it'll be something that happened and I'll not even correlate when it ​happens that I had scripted about it, you know, weeks ago. or a month ago, or something like that.

So that is a process that you can try. I really like to write, so scripting works really well for me. Affirmations ​also work really well for me. Anything that you can do that put yourself in a state of mind where you FEEL as ​if the manifestation has already come true for you. One of the core beliefs of manifestation, is feeling that it ​has happened! When you get to the point where you truly FEEL it is done, then it shows up in your 3D reality.

If you're having doubts, or you're not believing that it can happen to you, you don't truly have the feeling. You ​don't have the confidence. You don't have the belief that it's going to show up in your life and so it doesn't. ​Like your energy that you give out into the world. You know everything that you think has an ​electromagnetic energy attached to it and that creates everything in your life.

So if you are truly being the person who has the things you're trying to create, then the things show up. It's ​kind of hard to explain actually. But that's the basics of manifestation. You have to, you know, think about it ​and believe it and it shows up. Now some people will say you don't even have to believe it. But you have to ​believe that in choosing it, you become it. There has to be a belief on some level. If you're...if you believe that ​you just choose it and then you jump to a parallel reality and it is done, that's still a belief in that process. So at ​some point you have to believe that you are that person you're trying to be. Or you have received the thing ​that you're trying to receive.

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

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Time Doesn’t Exist

$50,000 in my Bank Account

Time is an Illusion - Time Doesn't Exist - $50,000 in my bank account

Let me start off by stating this controversial fact:

Time is an illusion. Reality is all created RIGHT NOW, from your consciousness in each moment.

Past, present, and future is all created in the present moment NOW.

And let me explain with a far fetched, unlikely example, given most people’s logical construct of how time ​works and cause and effect. At the end of this video, I hope you realized that this example is not far fetched at ​all?

Let’s say I want my bank account balance to be $50,000, but it’s normally only $1,000.

Based on what I have been taught, that time is linear, and everything is cause and effect; my brain logically ​thinks that in order for there to be $50,000 in my bank account there must be some reason it’s there.

It makes no logical sense for my bank account to have $50,000 in it, if I don’t have a specific action that ​caused it to be there, such as a series of deposits from logical sources like a job or something I sold. My ​physical logical brain thinks with cause and effect, such as I worked and got paid, and therefore I have a ​deposit.

BUT, if time is NOT LINEAR; and we look at things from a quantum physics point of view, then each moment ​is just a snapshot.

If time is NOT LINEAR, there is no continuity from one moment to another. If time is NOT LINEAR, then ​each moment is just like a frame on a film strip. Each moment is a separate snapshot, a completely separate ​image. The flow, the motion, is only created when the film strip runs, like for a movie, giving 3D reality the ​illusion of time. But in reality TIME is just a construct of CHANGE. Time is just a measurement of how much ​one frame on the film strip is different from the next frame. It’s just stop motion videography.

So if it’s just like stop motion videography, then let’s look at the individual frames.

Using this bank account balance example, the frame is created by my beliefs, expectations, and assumptions. ​With the old way my logical mind worked, my bank balance would be based on a general guesstimate of ​what my bank balance was yesterday or last week, plus a guesstimate of what has been deposited, like a ​paycheck, and a guesstimate of what my expenses or withdrawals have been. This is my expectation and ​belief. That there must be something to cause my balance to go from $1,000 to $50,000. Since this is my ​BELIEF, then I experience this in my 3D reality.

But what if I change my belief?

According to quantum physics, nothing exists in 3D until it is observed. And what is observed is based on my ​consciousness, my thoughts, my beliefs. What if I change my expectations and beliefs to reflect that each ​frame, each moment in time, including my bank account balance RIGHT NOW, is simply a reflection of my ​current consciousness, my current expectation of what it is. What if I change my belief to be that my bank ​account balance can be ANYTHING. Without any logical reason or action in linear time to cause it (other ​than my consciousness). Any amount at all. It can be $50,000 because I believe it will be whatever I believe it ​will be. It will be whatever my expectation is. So my new belief is that each moment, each frame on the film ​strip, is created based on whatever I choose right NOW. There is no continuity from any past. There is no ​continuity from yesterday or last week or last year. There is no spill over from the balance yesterday.

If this is my new belief, then what do I choose my bank account balance to be, RIGHT NOW?

I bet you just thought of a number, and then you immediately thought “But that’s not possible. Where would ​that money come from?” If you just thought this, then you just took the first step to changing your beliefs. ​Recognizing your limiting beliefs. You now KNOW that you have a limiting belief, a belief in linear time and ​cause and effect. You don’t yet believe that things can just be created out of thin air, with no link to prior ​events. You don’t yet believe that the 3D reality you see is a reflection of your consciousness NOW.

When I first starting manifesting, I had this problem too. I could manifest little things, like finding money on ​the ground every time I left the house, but I still struggled with big things, like huge unexplained deposits in ​my bank account.

One step you can take to bridge your old beliefs into these new quantum physics beliefs, is to start with ​something that IS believable to your logical mind. I started by listing all the ways, all the crazy, once in a ​lifetime ways, that people do receive unexpected deposits into their bank accounts. Start with the simple ​belief that “If it can happen to them, it can happen to me.”

I started writing down things like:

“I won the lottery.”

“I received a large inheritance from someone I didn’t really know and it was completely unexpected.”

“I received a large check from a class action settlement that I didn’t even know I was a part of.”

“I received a large refund I wasn’t expecting.”

“I sold something for way more than my asking price.”

“I found something really valuable tucked away in a closet, or the garage, or at a thrift store.”

“Someone gifted me something really valuable.”

“There was some type of error and I got unexpected money back”

And guess what. ALL these things started happening. Every single one of them. Because I believed that they ​COULD happen. And they could happen TO ME. But all these examples, still have a linear time and cause ​and effect component to them. There was a valid, logical reason, behind the reason I received the money, ​even as unlikely as they seemed. As unlikely as it was, yes my boss actually DID enter payroll twice for the ​same week and paid me two checks and said I could keep the extra money. I actually DID receive a $650+ ​check in the mail for a class action lawsuit I had no idea I was a part of. I actually DID receive a large ​inheritance from someone I didn’t really know and it was completely unexpected. I actually DID win the ​daily lottery after “hearing” the winning numbers in my head as I was filling out the numbers. I actually did ​have a company give me back a $600 payment I made with no explanation except to mail me back the check I ​wrote to pay them. And mark the invoice as VOID.

With lots of small manifestation wins under my belt, then I started working on my belief about linear time, ​and cause and effect. I loosened my grip on linear time. I have given up the belief that things are linear, that ​things are cause and effect. That my past, even yesterday, has any effect on what I am experiencing right ​now. I am embracing the quantum physics that my logical mind can’t really understand. I am embracing the ​belief that every single thing I am experiencing right now is being observed by me, based on my ​consciousness, RIGHT NOW. In this moment.

My old self would recall a memory of my bank account yesterday, and then that would be my reality the next ​day, because my imagination (my memory) created that. I falsely thought time was linear, and thought that ​today’s balance was created by yesterday balance plus additions and subtractions. But once I learned how ​time is an illusion, I realized that’s a false belief.

Whatever you believe, whether that belief is true or false, is what you will experience. You can believe in ​linear time, or you can believe that 3D reality is created by your consciousness, with no continuity from ​yesterday. You have free will to believe whatever you want to believe. You have free will to choose ANY of ​the infinite number of possibilities for your life. You have free will to be conscious of any version of any story ​you want to tell about yourself.

What shows up in your 3D reality is just a reflection of your beliefs. And reflection of the story you are telling ​yourself.

You get to choose to believe and expect anything. ANYTHING. It does not need any logical connection to ​what happened yesterday. Time is an illusion. It is all created NOW, from your consciousness in this present ​moment.

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

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Are You Having Trouble Manifesting?

How to FIX Your Manifesting Process

How to FIX your manifesting process! #goforthandthrive

Everything is energy.

Energy flows where attention goes.

I align with the energy of whatever my dominant thoughts and beliefs are.

Therefore, I control all the circumstances of my life, based on what I focus on.

If I start complaining about problems, then I am aligning myself with the energy of problems.

I will never be able to find the solution if I am in the energy of the problem.

I can't get to a solution if I am focused on the problem.

I must move my attention, my thoughts, to the energy of "Everything is always working out for me".

If I believe that the answer is available to me, then I can just relax and know that the solution will show up. ​When I am in a state of relaxation, I am in the energy of the solution.

A state of relief. A state of ease and flow.

When I am in this state of ease and flow, things will start to align with the state of being I am exhibiting.

I will randomly run into a friend whom I haven't seen in years, who suggests something to me that turns out ​solving my problem.

Or I will receive something in the mail that puts me on the path towards a solution.

Or a complete stranger will say something to me that helps my situation.

All the cooperating components start coming together seamlessly.

An idea will POP into my head that's helpful.

Or I will dream about the exact solution I need.

In the stillness, the answers emerge.

When you put yourself in a state of being of your wish fulfilled.

You must STOP focusing on your problems in order to receive the SOLUTION.

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

💰 Positive Affirmations Coloring Book

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal:

💰FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE BLESSING💰 If you would like me to add your name to my daily abundance ​blessing list, send $1 or more to my CashApp: $Thrive520M When you send the money, set a specific ​intention that the money you are sending out will come back to you multiplied exponentially. I send ​blessings for financial abundance to everyone on this list DAILY!!!

#timeisanillusion #sethspeaks #abundance #realitycreation #quantumjumping #quantumshift #quantumjump time not linear time doesnt ​exist time doesnt exist james webb quantum entanglement manifestation manifestation quantum physics quantum manifestation money ​quantum manifestation explained quantum physics loa quantum physics money reality creation time is an illusion explained time is an illusion ​that helps things make sense time is an illusion time is an illusion einstein is time real what is time travel what is time and space reality creation ​technique quantumjumping quantumshift quantumjump

I AM a Money Magnet

Money Subliminal to Attract Money

This is a silent subliminal video.

The words are embedded silently underneath the dreamy ambient music. Even though you cannot hear the ​words, your subconscious mind can hear them and understand them. See below for the words included. ​Listen to this daily before you start your work day.

For best results, listen on "loop" while you sleep. Supercharge your money manifestations by using a simple ​video tool that combines stunning images with positive affirmations.

Works in as little as 3 minutes per day. Video sessions can be customized with your own personal goal and ​vision photos. https://pospri.me/kim984

Silent Subliminals Included:

I am a money magnet.

I always attract abundance and prosperity easily and effortlessly into my reality.

I attract money in my bank account, cash in hand, and unexpected checks in the mail.

Money is drawn to me.

Prosperous opportunities are presented to me.

I have a surplus of dollars.

Money flows through my life.

I always have enough.

These subliminals repeat 5 times during the video. You can set the video to "loop" and listen to it while you ​sleep for best results.

Listen daily and watch money start flowing into your life.

Here's another great tool to use to increase your finances: It's a video vision board that you can upload ​personalized images and affirmations to create the money manifestation you desire: ​https://pospri.me/kim984

Subliminal Messages Created and Embedded with MindZoom Subliminal Software: https://94be1zg-​qcvaiadblhrrslzm7b.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=GOFORTHANDTHRIVE

If you would like to see other ways that I make money online, see my website here that discussing making ​money online at home: http://www.FiveGreenLizards.com

100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094L22T9V?tag=lawofattractionmoneymanifestations-20

If you found this video brought you joy and you would like to support my efforts continue making YouTube ​videos that inspire people, you can send a gratitude tip to CashApp: $Thrive520M

#money #moneymanifestation #iam #iamaffirmations #lawofattractionmoney #abundancesubliminal #moneysubliminal #iamamoneymagnet ​#moneymagnet #attractmoney #lawofattraction #makemoneyonline #subliminalvideos #subliminalmessages #successsubliminals ​#moneysubliminals #makemoneyonlinesubliminal #howtosellonline #motivationsubliminal #encouragement #entrepreneur #smallbusiness ​#onlinebusiness #onlinebusinessales #onlinebusinesstips #salesgenius #increasesales #attractmoney #attractsales #lawofattraction ​#businessmeditation #onlinesalesmeditation #businessopportunity #wealth #prosperity #abundance #moneyflowstome #moremoney ​#attractwealth #attractprosperity #manifest #manifestationstories affirmations to make money on autopilot money affirmations music money ​affirmations that work money affirmations while sleep money affirmations fast money affirmations for wealth money affirmations music money ​affirmations morning money affirmations that work instantly money affirmations subliminal affirmations for money affirmations to make ​money affirmations to get money affirmations to earn money money autosuggestion money on autopilot auto suggestion money affirmations ​prosperity affirmations affirmations for wealth abundance affirmations money autosuggestion affirmations

Debt Free Subliminal Affirmations

Get Out of Debt Subliminal Affirmations

This is a SILENT Subliminal Affirmation Video. That means that the debt free affirmations used in the video ​are at a very low volume that your conscious mind can't hear. Your subconscious mind can hear the ​affirmations.

Debt Free Affirmations Used in this Video:

I am so thankful now that all my outstanding balances are PAID IN FULL quickly and easily.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I am free from any prior financial obligations.

All my debts are paid off amazingly fast.

I have an overflowing amount of money.

My credit card bills have a zero balance.

I pay off my credit cards in full every single month.

I have plenty of money to pay all my bills.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

All my amazing adventure cards are PAID IN FULL.

This frees up more credit to go on more adventures.

I always pay off my amazing adventure cards every single month.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you for the surprising and delightful way that my prior bills all got paid off.

I am so peaceful about my finances.

I know that everything is always working out for me.

I have a consistent overflow of money coming to me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for my financial freedom.

Listen to these financial freedom subliminal affirmations every day for at least 21 days to start programming ​your subconscious minds for unique opportunities to become debt free.

Be open to money flowing into your life in unexpected and surprising and delightful ways.

Imagine all your credit cards PAID IN FULL!

💰Here's another great tool to use to increase your finances: It's a video vision board that you can upload ​personalized images and affirmations to create the money manifestation you desire: ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰Subliminal Messages Created and Embedded with MindZoom Subliminal Software: https://94be1zg-​qcvaiadblhrrslzm7b.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=GOFORTHANDTHRIVE

💰If you would like to see other ways that I make money online, see my website here that discussing making ​money online at home: http://www.FiveGreenLizards.com

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰 Positive Affirmations Coloring Book https://amzn.to/4c6ST1D

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

💰FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE BLESSING💰 If you would like me to add your name to my daily abundance ​blessing list, send $1 or more to my CashApp: $Thrive520M When you send the money, set a specific ​intention that the money you are sending out will come back to you multiplied exponentially. I send ​blessings for financial abundance to everyone on this list DAILY!!!

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases If ​you shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or ​Amazon Gift Card Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account ​http://www.EarnPassiveIncomeDaily.com

💰If you would like to make your own subliminal videos or audios, see my tutorial video here: ​https://youtu.be/bT9w6AZ424M

💰Or you can directly access the subliminal software here: https://94be1zg-​qcvaiadblhrrslzm7b.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=GOFORTHANDTHRIVE

💰Subliminal Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?​list=PL3iyekMlRSzhrrnGgLDiBFBn5LBtQNW2e&feature=shared

If you found this video brought you joy and you would like to support my efforts continue making YouTube ​videos that inspire people, you can send a gratitude tip to CashApp: $Thrive520M

#Debt #debtfree #debtfreejourney #debtfreecommunity #debtrelief #debtsnowballupdate #paidinfull #financialabundance #financialfreedom ​#goforthandthrive #moneysubliminal #subliminal #debtsucks #moneyaffirmation

Make Money in the Quantum Field

How to Manifest from the Infinite Field of Possibilities

Make Money in the Quantum Field - Manifest From Infinite Field of Possibilities #goforthandthrive

There is money all around me.

So much money changes hands every single day.

I am just tapping into the flow of money that is already there.

Isn't it wonderful that I can press buttons on my computer and it can send an order that creates profit for me.

It has never been easier for me to increase my abundance.

Technology has allowed us to have access to so many ways to make money.

My money is multiplying exponentially.

My monthly income is now my daily income.

I have the ability to learn new ways to make money simply by being open to the infinite field of possibilities.

I ask myself "How can I increase my income?".

And then, I simply listen for an answer.

I listen to the silence.

I listen for the still quiet voice inside of me.

Suddenly an idea or thought will pop into my head.

This is the answer from the infinite field of possibilities.

This is the direction that I am supposed to follow.

When I receive an answer from the infinite field of possibilities, all the cooperating components will then ​start showing up in my life, as long as I have said yes to the idea, and I am taking some action.

The action may be something as simple as watching a video about the topic, or researching it further.

Or writing down the idea in my journal.

Anything that gives attention to the idea.

This is equivalent to me saying "Yes, I am open to this possibility."

Then one thing will lead to another.

Random people will bring up helpful suggestions in conversation.

Or I will land on a website that answers a question that I didn't even know I had.

Or I will start learning or hearing about things that all fit together with the topic that I said yes to.

Even when I have roadblocks, I will find another solution, as long as I am open to getting the solution from ​the infinite field of possibilities.

As long as I believe that for every problem there is already a solution out there.

As long as I remember that the knowledge is ALREADY in the quantum field.

Progress, and making more money, is about connecting to the stillness.

And being open to being led in a direction.

Even if that direction is unfamiliar to you.

Even if that direction is unknown to you.

Even if that direction is scary to you.

Fear is just your human mind not understanding things beyond what you can see with your senses.

If you could see all the infinite amazing things available to you, you wouldn't be afraid, you would be excited.

You are afraid because you want to control everything.

But success comes when you release the control and follow your intuition.

When you trust in the unseen, when you trust in the possibilities.

This is how I manifest new streams of income.

💰Here's another great tool to use to increase your finances: It's a video vision board that you can upload ​personalized images and affirmations to create the money manifestation you desire: ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰 Positive Affirmations Coloring Book https://amzn.to/4c6ST1D

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

💰FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE BLESSING💰 If you would like me to add your name to my daily abundance ​blessing list, send $1 or more to my CashApp: $Thrive520M When you send the money, set a specific ​intention that the money you are sending out will come back to you multiplied exponentially. I send ​blessings for financial abundance to everyone on this list DAILY!!!

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases If ​you shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or ​Amazon Gift Card Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account ​http://www.EarnPassiveIncomeDaily.com

If you found this video brought you joy and you would like to support my efforts continue making YouTube ​videos that inspire people, you can send a gratitude tip to CashApp: $Thrive520M

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Passive Income Affirmations

Passive Income Affirmations in This Video:

My passive income is increasing every single day.

I am inspired to create assets that continue to pay me for years to come.

I have multiple streams of income.

I make money while I sleep with my passive income assets.

My passive income expands to meet the desires of my customers.

I love to create products that can make me money over and over again.

I work on my passive income only when I am inspired to do so.

My creations pay me income for years to come.

How can I create more passive income?

Give me inspiration.

I love multiplying my passive income streams.

The internet has allowed me to sell my products all over the world.

Today’s technology has allowed me to leverage other businesses to create more passive income.

I love increasing my passive income sources.

I have the opportunity to make money every second of every day.

There is an abundant supply of customers for me.

My passive income funds all of my monetary needs.

My passive income is continuously growing.

My passive income streams pay me even when I am out having fun.

My passive income sources pay me when I’m enjoying vacation.

My passive income sources pay me when I’m spending time with my family.

My passive income sources pay me when I’m out enjoying nature.

My passive income sources pay me when I’m serving others.

My passive income sources pay me when I’m taking care of loved ones.

My passive income sources pay me when I’m sleeping.

My passive income sources are free from my time.

I set them up and work on them when I create them.

I spend some time maintaining them.

But for the most part, they quietly work in the background, day in and day out.

They only require a little attention once I get them set up.

I love passive income.

Passive Income Ideas:

Digital content is a great way to build up a passive income portfolio of assets that earn you money over and ​over again.

Publish an ebook.

Create digital templates, graphic designs, video backgrounds.

Publish an Amazon Kindle ebook.

Create print on demand products (Zazzle, RedBubble, Amazon Merch, Kindle Direct Publishing paperback ​books).

Create an online course (Udemy).

Stock Dividends

Interest on personal loans

Interest on savings accounts

Rental House Income (it's very passive when you get a management company to manage it)

Websites you Build that earn ad revenue

Ad revenue on other digital content

YouTube Content that’s monetized

💰Here's another great tool to use to increase your finances: It's a video vision board that you can upload ​personalized images and affirmations to create the money manifestation you desire: ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰 Positive Affirmations Coloring Book https://amzn.to/4c6ST1D

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

💰FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE BLESSING💰 If you would like me to add your name to my daily abundance ​blessing list, send $1 or more to my CashApp: $Thrive520M When you send the money, set a specific ​intention that the money you are sending out will come back to you multiplied exponentially. I send ​blessings for financial abundance to everyone on this list DAILY!!!

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases If ​you shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or ​Amazon Gift Card Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account ​http://www.EarnPassiveIncomeDaily.com

If you found this video brought you joy and you would like to support my efforts continue making YouTube ​videos that inspire people, you can send a gratitude tip to CashApp: $Thrive520M

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Program Your Mind for Prosperity

Using a Video Vision Board to Manifest

SPECIAL 10 DAY FREE TRIAL HERE: https://pospri.me/kim984

Supercharge your abundance vision board tool by uploading your own personalized photos and positive ​affirmations to the templates. Program your Mind for Growth Success and Prosperity by using this video ​vision board. Stunning neuroscience that shows that specific images shown in these videos create a positive ​reaction in our bodies, increasing our moods, increasing our creativity, increasing our ability to solve ​problems, increasing collaboration and teamwork, getting better test scores, reducing stress and anxiety. ​Basically every single area of our life can improve by incorporating at least 3 minutes of these videos per day ​into our lives. And the positive effects can last up to 6 hours after watching!!!


You can use this tool as a vision board to manifest money, or a dream house, or a better job. I actually ​manifested an all expense paid trip to the beach after uploading lots of pictures of beaches into my sessions! ​In this Positive Prime tutorial video I will show you how to upload your own personalized photos and ​affirmations to your Positive Prime account. Using your own photos will give you even greater positive ​results than using the pre made templates.

Add images that bring you happiness and joy to get yourself into an elevated emotion. Then combine that ​joyful emotion with images of future events you want to create and you can manifest anything you can ​image. Upload images of your desires.

How a Boy Manifested His Heart’s Desire

Neville Goddard Success Story

Everyone told him NO - A boy uses Neville Goddard's techniques to manifest his heart's desire against all ​odds! This is a cute story! This story is from the Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard. I recommend ​getting this entire collection of books by Neville on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3RyBiHP

Hi, this is Kim from GoForthAndThrive.com, where I share manifestation stories, positive affirmations, and ​subliminal videos to help you manifest the life of your dreams. Today, I'm sharing a story from the book The ​Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard. This is a cute story that demonstrates how we can bring our deepest ​desires into our reality. It features a little boy and the puppy he's always wanted from Chapter 23, Case ​Histories.

This is the story of a very unexpected result from an interview with a lady who came to consult me one ​afternoon. A young grandmother, a businesswoman in New York, came to see me. She brought along her 9-​year-old grandson, who was visiting her from his home in Pennsylvania.

In response to her questions, I explained the Law of Assumption, describing in detail the procedure to follow ​in attaining an objective. The boy sat quietly, apparently absorbed in a small toy truck, while I explained to ​the grandmother the method of assuming the state of consciousness that would be hers were her desire ​already fulfilled. I told her the story of a soldier in camp who, each night, fell asleep imagining himself in his ​own bed, in his own home.

When the boy and his grandmother were leaving, he looked up at me with great excitement and said, 'I know ​what I want, and now I know how to get it.' Surprised, I asked him what it was that he wanted. He told me he ​had his heart set on a puppy. To this, the grandmother vigorously protested, telling the boy that it had been ​made perfectly clear he could not have a dog under any circumstances. His father and mother would not ​allow it, she said, and the boy was too young to care for it properly. Furthermore, his father had a deep dislike ​for dogs—he actually hated to have one around.

All of these were arguments the boy, passionately desiring a dog, refused to understand. 'Now I know what to ​do,' he said. 'Every night, just as I’m going off to sleep, I’m going to pretend that I have a dog, and we’re going ​for a walk.'

'No,' said the grandmother. 'That is not what Mr. Neville means. This was not meant for you—you cannot have ​a dog.'

Approximately six weeks later, the grandmother told me what was, to her, an astonishing story. The boy's ​desire to own a dog was so intense that he had absorbed everything I had told his grandmother about how to ​attain one’s desire. He believed implicitly that, at last, he knew how to get a dog. Putting this belief into ​practice, for many nights the boy imagined a dog lying in his bed beside him. In his imagination, he petted ​the dog, actually feeling its fur. Thoughts of playing with the dog, talking to it, and taking it for a walk filled ​his mind.

Within a few weeks, it happened. A newspaper in the city where the boy lived organized a special program in ​connection with 'Kindness to Animals' week. All schoolchildren were requested to write an essay on why ​they would like to own a dog. After entries from all the schools were submitted and judged, the winner of the ​contest was announced. It was the very same boy who, weeks before, in my apartment in New York, had told ​me, 'Now I know how to get a dog.' He was the winner.

In an elaborate ceremony, which was publicized with stories and pictures in the newspaper, the boy was ​awarded a beautiful collie puppy. In relating the story, the grandmother told me that, had the boy been given ​money to buy a dog, the parents would have refused. They would have used the money to buy a bond for the ​boy or put it in a savings bank for him. Furthermore, if someone had gifted the boy a dog, the parents would ​have refused or given it away.

But the dramatic manner in which the boy got the dog—the way he won the citywide contest, the stories and ​pictures in the newspaper, the pride of achievement, and the joy of the boy himself—all combined to bring ​about a change in the hearts of his parents. They found themselves doing what they had never conceived ​possible: they allowed him to keep the dog.

The grandmother explained all of this to me, concluding by saying that there was one particular kind of dog ​on which the boy had set his heart: a Collie.

If you would like to share your own manifestation stories with our subscribers, fill out this google form and ​tell me all about it! https://forms.gle/tLrK6Q2TqoXKqU3p6

💰Here's a great tool to use to increase your finances: It's a video vision board that you can upload ​personalized images and affirmations to create the money manifestation you desire: ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰 Positive Affirmations Coloring Book https://amzn.to/4c6ST1D

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

💰FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE BLESSING💰 If you would like me to add your name to my daily abundance ​blessing list, send $1 or more to my CashApp: $Thrive520M When you send the money, set a specific ​intention that the money you are sending out will come back to you multiplied exponentially. I send ​blessings for financial abundance to everyone on this list DAILY!!!

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases If ​you shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or ​Amazon Gift Card Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account ​http://www.EarnPassiveIncomeDaily.com

💰If you found this video brought you joy and you would like to support my efforts continue making YouTube ​videos that inspire people, you can send a gratitude tip to CashApp: $Thrive520M

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Isn’t It Wonderful?

Prosperity Affirmations & Subliminals

Isn't It Wonderful Prosperity Abundance Affirmations and Subliminals

This affirmation video has me speaking the affirmations first, but then the rest of the video has the ​affirmations quietly underneath the music as subliminals.

Please listen to the entire video for the full effect of the affirmations and subliminals!

Subliminals and affirmations used in this video:

Isn’t it wonderful how quickly and easily money comes to me?

Isn’t it wonderful how everything is always working out for me?

Isn’t it wonderful how I keep receiving unexpected checks in the mail?

Isn’t it wonderful how customers love my products and services?

Isn’t it wonderful that I keep running into people who have the answers that I am looking for?

Isn’t it wonderful that I can always sit and be silent and the solution will present itself to me?

Isn’t it wonderful that opportunities keep showing up in my life because I expect them to?

Isn’t it wonderful that money flows to me in delightful ways?

Isn’t it wonderful that people offer me free gifts?

Isn’t it wonderful that the right person always shows up at the right time?

Isn’t it wonderful that I find unexpected deposits into my bank account?

Isn’t it wonderful that I always receive stellar customer service everywhere I go?

Isn’t it wonderful that I always get upgraded amenities and service?

Isn’t it wonderful that I find money every time I leave the house?

Isn’t it wonderful that I have the freedom to do what I love?

Isn’t it wonderful that nature is so beautiful?

Isn’t it wonderful that joyful kind people keep showing up in my life?

Isn’t it wonderful that I have all the resources I need to live my dream life?

Isn’t it wonderful that I am connected to an infinite number of abundant possibilities?

Isn’t it wonderful that there are so many ways money can flow to me?

Isn’t it wonderful that every I do is a profitable investment?

Isn’t it wonderful that I radiate love to all the people around me?

Isn’t it wonderful that others can sense my joy and love?

Isn’t it wonderful how blessed I am?

Isn’t it wonderful?

💰Here's a great tool to use to increase your finances: It's a video vision board that you can upload ​personalized images and affirmations to create the money manifestation you desire: ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰 Positive Affirmations Coloring Book https://amzn.to/4c6ST1D

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

💰FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE BLESSING💰 If you would like me to add your name to my daily abundance ​blessing list, send $1 or more to my CashApp: $Thrive520M When you send the money, set a specific ​intention that the money you are sending out will come back to you multiplied exponentially. I send ​blessings for financial abundance to everyone on this list DAILY!!!

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases If ​you shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or ​Amazon Gift Card Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account ​http://www.EarnPassiveIncomeDaily.com

💰If you found this video brought you joy and you would like to support my efforts continue making YouTube ​videos that inspire people, you can send a gratitude tip to CashApp: $Thrive520M

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Parallel Reality Shift

How to Jump to the Reality You Really Want

The following excerpt is a brief paraphrase of Bashar's teachings on How to Actually Shift Your Reality to the ​Life You Actually Want.

Background Galaxy Design available here: ​https://www.zazzle.com/collections/beautiful_galaxy_outer_space_planets_universe-119115930109759318?​rf=238133515809110851&tc=YT

The following excerpt is a brief paraphrase of Bashar's teachings on How to Actually Shift Your Reality to the ​Life You Actually Want.

Many of the things you say you prefer can actually come to pass, can actually manifest physically,

can actually come to light.

You can experience these things that you desire on a day-to-day basis in physical reality, even though it will ​not be EXACTLY the same physical reality you are experiencing now, because of its vibrational difference.

You are shifting your frequencies from one reality level to another and this is so, but you are always shifting.

You are shifting now.

It is a natural thing that you do.

You don't have to wait to shift.

You've been shifting all your lives.

This is the way motion is created.

This is what happens when you create the ILLUSION of movement.

The only way to create the illusion of movement is to actually shift from one parallel reality to another ​parallel reality that's slightly different than the reality you were in before.

So you're shifting now.

You're shifting now.

You're shifting now

You're shifting now.

You're shifting now through constantly shifting parallel realities.

The idea is that you don't notice this so much because each new reality you shift to is very similar to the one ​you were existing in before.

The idea of noticing the change is to create there to be a bigger difference between the parallel reality you ​shift to and the one that you were in before. That's when you know you're shifting.

That's when you reveal to yourselves that you're always constantly shifting.

Learning to shift is not something you have to do; you do it automatically.

You do it by your own second nature.

It is natural to you to shift.

This is the nature of how reality works.

This is the nature of how change exists.

So the question is not "Can you shift?"

The question is "What will you shift to?"

And how different will you allow the shift to be based on your definitions and your belief systems of what you ​believe is possible for you.

And this is why it is of paramount importance for you to really focus on the idea of the vibrational frequency, ​the state of being, that you prefer your reality to be.

And then understand, based on what we have just said about shifting to parallel earth realities, that when ​you change the vibration of your being, it's not that you change the world, it's that you take yourself, you shift ​yourself, to a parallel earth already existing on the vibratory level you have created within yourself.

So it's not about having to force anyone else to change. It's only about YOU changing and taking yourself to ​whatever reality, whatever parallel earth, is representative of the vibrational frequency you have created ​within your own state of being. Then you will find yourself surrounded by other beings who already populate ​that world, but are already more representative of the vibrational frequency you have created yourself to ​shift to.

The idea is that this is simple physics, as many of your scientists are beginning to realize.

Everything exists all at once, ALL NOW. In a sense all HERE.

But you create the illusion of separation by creating differences in vibrational frequency.

As each and every one of you goes to your homes today, you may sit down on one of your couches and you ​may pick up one of your remotes. You may turn on one of your television sets.

Your TV set technology is a perfect analogy of what we are talking about.

The idea is that at any given moment there are any number of dozens of television programs that are

available to you.

At that moment they all coexist simultaneously, but you will only get the program that you tune your ​channel to. This is exactly how physical reality is holographically structure.

Whatever vibrational realm you exist on; whatever state of vibrational being you choose to be; is the reality ​you get. What you put out is what you get back. Simple Physics.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Simple Physics, that's all this is.

It's about creating the appropriate state that you prefer in your own being and allowing reality, in a

sense, to reflect back to you the shift you have made in yourself.

But you must understand that the opposite is also true.

You cannot perceive what you are not the vibration of.

Let me say that again for emphasis.

You cannot perceive what you are not the vibration of.

If you tune your television set to channel two, you will not receive the program on channel four.

You have to tune your TV to channel four to get that program. Likewise, based on the reality you say you ​prefer, if you do not allow yourself in your definitions, in your emotions, in your thoughts and actions and ​behaviors, in life, to exemplify the vibratory reality that you say you prefer to live in, then you will NOT be ​actually capable of perceiving any opportunities that could actually allow you to synchronistically get ​yourself, shift yourself, to THAT reality.

💰 Here's a great tool to use to increase your finances: It's a video vision board that you can upload ​personalized images and affirmations to create the money manifestation you desire: ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰 Positive Affirmations Coloring Book https://amzn.to/4c6ST1D

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

💰FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE BLESSING💰 If you would like me to add your name to my daily abundance ​blessing list, send $1 or more to my CashApp: $Thrive520M When you send the money, set a specific ​intention that the money you are sending out will come back to you multiplied exponentially. I send ​blessings for financial abundance to everyone on this list DAILY!!!

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases If ​you shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or ​Amazon Gift Card Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account ​http://www.EarnPassiveIncomeDaily.com

💰If you found this video brought you joy and you would like to support my efforts continue making YouTube ​videos that inspire people, you can send a gratitude tip to CashApp: $Thrive520M

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Mindset Predicts Results

How Positive Mindset Predicts Success

Silent Subliminal No Music | Positive Mindset Predicts Success | Happiness Improves Business

This is a silent subliminal video.

The words are embedded silently and can be understood by the subconscious mind. This allows you to listen ​to this video and play it at work with your volume on, while not disturbing your coworkers, yet you still get ​the message of how positive mindset and happiness has a positive outcome in every area of your business ​and life. Just open it in a new window and let it play in the background. Your mind will hear the message.

The overall message is that you must be happy first, and success comes as a result of happiness. Use this ​video tool to supercharge your happiness in as little as 3 minutes. https://pospri.me/kim984

Silent Subliminals Included:

My business is built by my positive mindset of feeling good.

Both about my business and also about myself and my life in general.

Anything that I can do to put myself in a good feeling mood, will have enormous positive outcomes in my ​business.

Positive expectations, feeling good, ease and flow, knowing that things are happening in PERFECT timing. ​What I think about, I bring about.

When I have positive expectations about my business or life, my brain goes to work for me and helps me ​bring about those positive expectations.

When I am happy and joyful and grateful, I am more creative.

I come up with new improved ideas that benefit my business.

I think of new ways to sell to my best customers.

I think of new products to introduce to the market.

I bring more value to the table.

I come up with more ways to bring in more money with less work.

When I am in a good mood, I give off a good vibe to my customers.

When my customers feel the good vibe from me, they want to shop at my store.

They want to buy my products.

They want to be involved with me.

When I give off a good vibe, people want to collaborate with me.

This opens up new opportunities for me that would not have been presented otherwise.

When I am in a good mood I am more productive.

I can get more done in less time and feel good while doing it.

When I am in a good mood I am more efficient at completing tasks.

I get things done more effectively.

When I am in happy state, I collaborate better with employees, teammates, and business associates.

New partnerships can be formed that benefit all parties involved.

When I get happy first, success follows.

Every single outcome that can be measured in business and education improved when the subject has an ​improved mindset of happiness.

I take the time to quiet my mind and let go of anything that is not gratefulness, joy, happiness, bliss, ​optimism or other positive emotions.

I take the time to get happy before I start working on my projects for the day.

I may watch a positive video.

I may play with my dog. I may list out 3 things that I am grateful for.

I may sit and daydream about an ideal situation, or envision a wonderful vacation I took.

Or think lovingly about my family members or others whom I love.

I send grateful thoughts to the customers I have already been blessed to be able to serve.

I relish in the fact that I even have a business.

That I provide value to others.

Happiness is the single most competitive advantage in my business.

My mindset predicts my outcomes.

Positive mindset = positive outcomes.

And when I make my positive mindset the cornerstone of building my business, I can work on it 24/7.

I can control my thoughts all day everyday.

I can be thinking positive thoughts even when I am working on other things.

Here's another great tool to use to increase your success in every area of your life: It's a video vision board ​that you can upload personalized images and affirmations to create successful outcomes in all areas: ​https://pospri.me/kim984

Subliminal Messages Created and Embedded with MindZoom Subliminal Software: https://94be1zg-​qcvaiadblhrrslzm7b.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=GOFORTHANDTHRIVE

go forth and thrive subliminal subliminals success subliminal positive mindset predicts success positive ​mindset subliminal sleep have a positive mindset subliminal happiness subliminal happiness subliminal ​powerful happiness subliminal affirmations happiness subliminal music subliminal positive affirmations ​subliminal positive thinking subliminal positive affirmations for success money and abundance subliminal ​positive mindset mindset predicts results

I AM Affirmations

Subliminals and Affirmations

Infinite Being - Connect to Another Dimension - Subliminal with Music and Voiceover Affirmations

I know that I am an infinite being, and I have access to knowledge beyond my physical senses.

I am ready to learn how to use my inner senses

I am open to receive information from my higher self

I am willing to learn what I don’t know

I am willing to feel the complete vitality of all life

I know that I am here to create

I want to learn how to shape my energy into whatever I want it to be

I am willing to receive information that is beyond this dimension

I am listening

I am connecting to different planes of reality

I am tapping into my infinite soul which exists beyond myself

I know there is so much more to reality than what I see with my physical eyes

I am tuning into ALL that is

I am open to hear new things

I am open to see new things

I am open to receive all the abundance of the entire universe

I accept blessings into my life

I accept new knowledge into my life

I accept new ideas into my life

I am willing to learn

I want to connect to my inner senses that have existed beyond my lifetime

I want to connect to ALL that is

I have access to ALL

I have knowledge of ALL

I can connect to the energy of ALL

I am one with ALL

I am a creative being in a body

I am a creative soul that spans all time and space

I am here to create

I am here to love

I am here to experience joy

I am here to be one with ALL

I am infinite

I am everlasting

I am beyond time and space

I am that, I am

Show me how to be more open

Show me how to connect more easily

Show me how to be one with all living beings

Show me how to transform my vital energy into new creative endeavors

Show me how to connect to ALL that is

I easily connect to my energy source

I easily use all my creative power

I easily tap into ALL there is

I am revitalized It is well with my soul.

💰 Here's a great tool to use to increase your finances: It's a video vision board that you can upload ​personalized images and affirmations to create the money manifestation you desire: ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰 Positive Affirmations Coloring Book https://amzn.to/4c6ST1D

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

💰FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE BLESSING💰 If you would like me to add your name to my daily abundance ​blessing list, send $1 or more to my CashApp: $Thrive520M When you send the money, set a specific ​intention that the money you are sending out will come back to you multiplied exponentially. I send ​blessings for financial abundance to everyone on this list DAILY!!!

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases If ​you shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or ​Amazon Gift Card Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account ​http://www.EarnPassiveIncomeDaily.com

💰If you found this video brought you joy and you would like to support my efforts continue making YouTube ​videos that inspire people, you can send a gratitude tip to CashApp: $Thrive520M

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Attract Clients Affirmations

Affirmations for Business

Attract Clients Affirmations and Money - Positive Affirmations Business

(Background Image) Purple Geode Gemstone Art - available on posters, magnets, iphone cases, wall art - ​https://www.zazzle.com/collections/purple_silver_gemstone_acrylic_pour_art-119973414958346371?​rf=238133515809110851&tc=YTVideo

💰Affirmations Used in this Video:

I am connecting with the people in the world who resonate with me.

People who get inspired when I am my true self.

Those who want to hear what I have to say.

I am attracting my perfect customer.

I am resonating with their very soul.

What I have to offer is exactly what they are looking for.

I am in divine harmony with my true calling.

I am inspired to create what my soul finds joyful.

My customers find the same things inspiring.

They want to buy exactly what I have to offer.

They appreciate the work that went into creating the product or service that I offer.

My ideal customers happily spend money on my products because they bring great value and joy into their ​lives.

I am free to create anything my soul desires.

I am so grateful to being living a life in total creative and financial freedom.

When I listen to my inspiration and create from my soul, I am fulfilled.

I feel a sense of bliss.

I feel a sense of calm.

I am free.

I am happy.

I am joyful.

I am my best self.

Those who resonate with me are drawn to me in the most unlikely serendipitous ways.

They are guided right to my products, or my videos, or my websites.

They don't even know

how they ended up on my page, but once they arrive, they know they found what they are looking for.

I do not need to please everyone, or anyone.

I only need to be my true authentic self.

My true being will show through.

Those who resonate with my true spirit will be my customers.

If someone does not resonate with me or my product offering, that is ok.

They need to find the seller or business that they do resonate with.

This customer is not a good fit for me, and I am not a good fit for them.

I only want customers who truly find my offerings to be a true match to their true spirit.

Fitting together like two puzzle pieces.

I am so happy that I am able to live my passion and create from my heart.

I am so joyful to have freedom of time.

To work only when I am inspired to do so.

I take time to rest when I am not inspired.

I take time to spend in nature to feel rejuvenated and connected to all.

I take time to look for beauty all around me.

Feeling the appreciation of all the beauty in my life connects me with my divine purpose.

We are all created unique, yet we are all one.

We are all connected. We depend on one another.

We depend on nature.

We depend on love. We depend on our Creator.

I am my best self when I allow myself to melt into my spirit's existence in this world.

When I stop the chatter in my head and let divine inspiration enter.

Everyday I am attracting my perfect clients.

Everyday I am broadcasting my true energy into the world.

Everyday people are responding to my energy.

I am connecting with the people in the world who resonate with me.

💰 Here's a great tool to use to increase your finances: It's a video vision board that you can upload ​personalized images and affirmations to create the money manifestation you desire: ​https://pospri.me/kim984

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 My Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰 Positive Affirmations Coloring Book https://amzn.to/4c6ST1D

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook and Gratitude Journal: ​https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

💰FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE BLESSING💰 If you would like me to add your name to my daily abundance ​blessing list, send $1 or more to my CashApp: $Thrive520M When you send the money, set a specific ​intention that the money you are sending out will come back to you multiplied exponentially. I send ​blessings for financial abundance to everyone on this list DAILY!!!

💰I’ve been paid more than $20,000 in cash back rebates from my everyday online shopping purchases If ​you shop online for yourself or your business, you can too! Collect cash back by check, Paypal, Venmo, or ​Amazon Gift Card Use my referral link and you’ll get an extra $5 cash to start your account ​http://www.EarnPassiveIncomeDaily.com

💰If you found this video brought you joy and you would like to support my efforts continue making YouTube ​videos that inspire people, you can send a gratitude tip to CashApp: $Thrive520M

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Free Cash Back for Online Shopping

Everyone loves a good deal, and what if you could earn cash back on your online shopping? That's where Mr. ​Rebates comes in. Mr. Rebates is a cash back website that allows users to earn money while shopping online. ​In this article, we will delve into the workings of Mr. Rebates, exploring how it operates, the benefits it offers, ​and how you can maximize your savings through this innovative platform.

How Does Mr. Rebates Work?

Mr. Rebates operates on a simple and straightforward principle: earning cash back on online purchases. To ​get started, users need to create a free account on the Mr. Rebates website. Once signed up, they can browse ​through thousands of partner stores listed on the platform, ranging from popular retailers to niche online ​shops.

When a user wants to make a purchase, they simply access the desired store through the Mr. Rebates ​website. By doing so, they activate the cash back feature. Mr. Rebates receives a commission from the ​retailer for referring customers, and a portion of that commission is then passed on to the user as cash back.

The Benefits of Mr. Rebates:

  • Earn Cash Back: The primary benefit of Mr. Rebates is the opportunity to earn cash back on your online ​shopping. The percentage of cash back varies depending on the store and the product category, ranging ​from a few percent to substantial amounts. Over time, these cash back earnings can add up, providing ​significant savings on your purchases.

  • Extensive Retailer Network: Mr. Rebates boasts an extensive network of partner stores, covering a wide ​range of product categories. From clothing and electronics to travel and home goods, there's something ​for everyone. The platform partners with well-known retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Macy's, and Best ​Buy, as well as smaller, specialized online stores.

  • Exclusive Deals and Coupons: In addition to cash back, Mr. Rebates provides access to exclusive deals, ​discounts, and coupons. Users can find special promotions and limited-time offers, further maximizing ​their savings. These additional savings opportunities make Mr. Rebates a one-stop shop for frugal ​shoppers looking to stretch their dollars.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The Mr. Rebates website features a user-friendly interface that makes ​navigating and using the platform a breeze. The website is well-organized, allowing users to quickly ​search for stores, browse cash back rates, and find the best deals. The cash back earnings and transaction ​history are conveniently displayed in the user's account, making it easy to track savings.

Tips for Maximizing Savings:

While using Mr. Rebates is straightforward, there are a few tips and strategies you can employ to maximize ​your savings:

  • Comparison Shop: Before making a purchase, compare cash back rates across different retailers on the ​Mr. Rebates website. Sometimes, you may find that a similar product is available at a store offering a ​higher cash back percentage, allowing you to earn more on your purchase.

  • Combine with Coupons and Sales: Take advantage of stacking coupons and sales with your cash back ​earnings. Look for promotional codes or special offers on the Mr. Rebates website or the retailer's ​website. By combining these discounts, you can enjoy even more significant savings.

  • Plan Large Purchases: If you're considering a big-ticket item, such as a new laptop or furniture, it's worth ​planning your purchase around sales events or promotional periods. Retailers often offer higher cash ​back rates during these times, enabling you to earn more substantial rewards on your investment.

  • Refer Friends: Mr. Rebates offers a referral program where you can earn additional cash back by inviting ​friends to join the platform. Sharing your referral with friends and family can be a win-win situation, as ​they get access to cash back rewards, and you earn extra cash back for every qualified referral.

  • Payment and Redemption:

Once your cash back earnings reach a specified minimum threshold, typically around $10 to $20, you can ​request a payout. Mr. Rebates offers various payment options, including PayPal, check, or gift cards for select ​retailers. The redemption process is straightforward, and you can choose the method that suits you best.

  • Trust and Security:

Mr. Rebates is a trusted and reputable platform with a strong track record. The website takes security ​seriously, employing encryption and secure protocols to protect user information. Additionally, Mr. Rebates ​has been in operation for many years, with a large user base and positive reviews from satisfied customers.

Mr. Rebates is a cash back website that opens the door to savings and rewards on your online purchases. ​With its extensive retailer network, exclusive deals, and user-friendly interface, the platform offers a ​convenient way to earn cash back while shopping. By utilizing Mr. Rebates and following the tips provided, ​you can maximize your savings and make the most of your online shopping experience. So, why not take ​advantage of this innovative platform and unlock the magic of cash back today?

She Tripled Her Income

How to Use an Video Vision Board to Increase Income

The Positive Prime video tool is like a vision board, but in video format.

It's based on neuroscience and has unique features like shuffling the images every time you watch it, and ​allowing you to speed up the video so the positive affirmations can bypass your critical thinking mind and go ​directly into your subconscious.

By using short videos to replace a vision board, or dream board, we can insert photos that bring us good ​memories. These emotions combined with photos of items we want to manifest or create in our lives, help us ​create the life of our dreams. By inserting personalized photos of people you love, or specific goals you want ​to reach, a dream house you want, or a dream job, you can create the life you have always imagined. Our ​brains think in pictures, and if we want to make anything happen in our lives, we have to imagine the picture ​of it in our minds first.

One user, Gayle, decided to use Positive Prime to increase her direct sales business income. She had a goal ​to double her income in 90 days. She committed to adding personalized quote images in her video session ​that aligned with her sales goals. Gayle watched her sessions every day before she started her work day.

What happened is almost unbelievable!

She was able to nearly TRIPLE her income in those 90 days.

Ready to see how you can increase your finances by using Positive Prime?

Click here for a 10 Day free trial.

Step 1: Create a Visual Quote Image with Your Goal you are trying to achieve.

(I use Canva to create my own personalized images).

Step 2: Upload your personalized images to Positive Prime

Step 3: Watch Your Session Every Day!

There are hundreds of pre-made video sessions, so you don’t have to upload any of your own goal photos; ​however adding some customized images, or pictures of anything that makes you happy, like pictures of ​family or friends, increases your joyful emotions and increases the success of the videos in helping you ​achieve your goals.

Here's some examples of goal images: (click here to go to Canva to create your own)

Make an income goal, or a money manifestation ​goal with a specific amount and specific date.

Take a picture of your actual car and make a

“PAID in FULL” quote

Make positive affirmation images for health goals.

Include images of people and pets you love.

Include images for exercise goals.

Include Success Affirmations

It’s All My Fault

I Only Have Myself to Blame

I AM the reason that I am either living in prosperity or living in lack.

The only thing that can block my abundance is my own thinking. My own thoughts and beliefs.

But beliefs are just thoughts that I choose to continue thinking.

Beliefs are simply my own perception.

But whatever I believe is then what my awareness will be conscious of.

I will see examples of my beliefs playing out in day to day life, further reinforcing those beliefs.

If I change my perception to a completely opposite belief, I will start seeing examples of that new belief in day ​to day life.

My brain, using the reticular activating system, filters out most of what I see. There are simply so many ​stimuli every second of the day, that my brain filters out most of it, and only tells me to pay attention to ​certain things that it believes are important.

My brain only pays attention to things that are necessary for my survival, OR things that align with what I ​have been thinking about, and what I believe to be true.

If I have been thinking about a specific make and model of a new car, all of a sudden I will start seeing those ​specific cars everywhere I go.

This is just an example of how, now that I have been thinking about buying that specific car, my attention is ​drawn to those cars on the road. Those cars have always been there, but when I wasn't thinking about that ​specific model, I never paid any attention to them. They might as well been invisible.

Another example is when a woman is pregnant, all of a sudden she will notice all the other pregnant women ​she sees out in day to day life. Before this, she simply never noticed.

This means that if I change my thoughts and beliefs, I will start SEEING different things in my experience. ​Those things have always existed, but I just never noticed them.

For example, if someone tells me how much money they make from picking up discarded household items ​on the curb and selling them, and I start contemplating this as a money making opportunity for me, all of a ​sudden I will start seeing all kinds of things discarded on the curb that could be making me money. Those ​items have always been around, but I have never noticed them before I started thinking about it.

If I have a belief that there is NEVER any way that I can make money in the community I live in, then I likely ​won't see opportunities like this.

But if I change what I believe to be true, for example, to a belief that there are plenty of ways for me to make ​money in my own community, then my brain will start showing me examples that mirror those new beliefs.

Furthermore, thoughts and beliefs give off an energy that other people can sense. Everyone knows the ​feeling when you walk into a room and you can cut the tension with a knife. And how it feels different to walk ​into a room that feels welcoming and joyful. It's the electromagnetic energy that the people in the room are ​giving off based on their thoughts.

If I have the new belief that there are plenty of ways for me to make money, then I start giving off that vibe to ​the people who are around me. This may be picked up by my friend, who then is inspired to share his ​experience of how much money he makes by picking up discarded household items on the curb. He shared ​this experience, because the vibe I was giving off, aligned with his energy of making money. But if he feels ​my vibe is pessimistic and I am someone who thinks there is NEVER any way for me to make money, then he ​likely won't share those details with me.

It all goes back to my thoughts and beliefs. To my changing perception of what is true.

The good news is this means that I can control what I see and experience in my life.

I change what I see in my life by simply changing what I think and believe.

Beliefs are just thoughts that I continue to think and believe to be true.

Nothing is standing in the way of a prosperous life for myself, except myself.

Life is just a reflection of what is going on inside of me!

If I want to change what life is showing me, then I must change myself from within.

I must change my thoughts and beliefs.

I must choose to start thinking more thoughts that align with what my "dream life" looks like.

I must choose to be open to the fact that if amazing good things can happen to other people, then they can ​happen to me too.

I must choose to believe that at any moment I can receive a million dollar idea from the infinite field of ​possibilities.

I must choose to believe that there are money making opportunities all around me.

I must choose to believe that I can receive unexpected money TODAY.

I must choose to believe that everything is always working out for me.

I must choose to believe that I live in ease and flow.

I must choose to believe that my natural essence is growth and abundance.

I must choose to believe that all of life is conspiring to be prosperous.

I must choose to believe that my beliefs are just decisions that I am making.

And I can DECIDE to change my beliefs at any time.

how manifestation works

i am the reason

i have no one to blame but myself

how to attract money

my thoughts manifest my reality

law of assumption

how to attract more money

prosperity academy

prosperity preachers

controlling reality with your mind

you control your reality,

it's all my fault

go forth and thrive

the truth about money

reticular activating system

everything is always working out for me

i live in ease and flow

how thoughts create reality

I Receive Money Every Single Day

Money Affirmation Rampage

I Receive Money Every Single Day | Money Affirmation Rampage for Prosperity

I don’t know how, but I KNOW for certain I consistently receive money EVERY SINGLE DAY!

I watch money flow into my bank account daily because I EXPECT to receive money all the time!

I am open to receiving money in all ways that are good for all involved.

Money comes to me from all directions!

I receive royalties, commissions, sales, profits, tips, gifts, blessings, freebies, refunds, settlements, and ​ongoing consistent payments to my bank account.

People are inspired to purchase my products and services and artwork.

My art and my books sell over and over and over again.

People are inspired and blessed when they receive my products and services.

Yet, I don’t need to WORK HARD for money. Money flows to me EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY with Surprise ​and Delight!

Money shows up when I am BEING in a grateful blessed mindset in my present place in this SEA of ​ABUNDANCE.

I give and receive from the FLOW of the abundance of LIFE.

The more I contribute to the good of all, the more I am in the FLOW of abundance.

When I see myself as a contributing component in this LIFE of flowing abundance, I am then in a state that’s ​open to RECEIVING.

Every time I send money out in the world, whether to buy groceries or repair the car, I am sending out the ​money with a BLESSING to all who receive it.

I am blessing the business I give it to, and the employees who work there.

I am contributing to the FLOW of abundance.

This blessing allows me to be OPEN for the flow of money to come back to me, pressed down and ​overflowing. For my money to be multiplied.

I am getting out my own way to receive abundance.

I am open to receiving an overflowing amount of money.

I tell myself how easy it is for me to receive large sums of money!

I affirm to myself that: I don’t know how, but money is going to start coming to me!

I don’t know how, but I’m going to start receiving money consistently into my bank account!

I don’t know why, but I always receive money!

Isn’t it wonderful that I no longer have to WORK HARD for money?!

Isn’t it amazing how money just shows up in my life?

How DO I receive money so easily?

Why does it seem like Money Sticks to Me!

I must be highly favored by Money!

Money is Always Looking For ME!

Money is Always Finding ME!

Money is Always Trying to Make It’s Way to Me All the Time and I just sit here and receive it!

I don’t know how, but money keeps showing up in my life with surprise and delight.

💰If you enjoyed this powerful content, I am so very grateful for your extra support!🙏 ✅Cashapp: ​$Thrive520M

💰 Gratitude Journal with Beautiful Images - https://amzn.to/3DmWwS5

💰 Positive Affirmations Coloring Book https://amzn.to/4c6ST1D

💰 Money Manifestation Journal - https://amzn.to/3xdwyNV - "This is Evidence of My Abundance"

💰100 Days to Manifest My Money Law of Attraction Check Writing Workbook: https://amzn.to/3VY6umn

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Money Affirmation Rampage for Prosperity